I had the same problem and solved it by saving the razor file (Ctrl + S). Once I did this I could use the Enter, Backspace and Navigation keys again.
I believe that Alt + Enter may also work.
I don't often get into this state and the above solution does not solve the underlying problem. I believe that it may have something to do with ReSharper but have not figured out if this assumption is true or not.
There are a number of pages that discuss this type of problem:
Link 1Link 2Link 3
This was happening to me in VS 2010, despite not using R#. After digging through those links @Ryan Spears put in his post I have come across a permanent solution Source. (Note that @Maffelu's solution did work for me, but it can switch back if I accidentally hit Left Alt + Shift).
This is also weird because Left Alt + Shift doesn't seem to change it back, so you have to go to the source: a key binding buried in the Windows Control Panel:
Control Panel > Region and Language > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards > Advanced Key Settings > Change Key Sequence > Select "Not Assigned" for both Switching Input Language and Switch Keyboard Layout.
If you have too many files open in Visual Studio 2010 then Enter or Backspace key will stop working intermittently. Try closing some files and Enter and Backspace key will start working.