df <- data.frame(a = letters[1:5], b = LETTERS[1:5], c = 1:5)
df$new_col <- do.call(paste, c(df[c("a", "b")], sep = ", "))
# a b c new_col
#1 a A 1 a, A
#2 b B 2 b, B
#3 c C 3 c, C
#4 d D 4 d, D
#5 e E 5 e, E
如果需要粘贴所有列,可以选择跳过[c("a", "b")]子设置。
# you can also try str_c from stringr package as mentioned by other users too!
do.call(str_c, c(df[c("a", "b")], sep = ", "))
tmp <- tibble::tibble(firststring = c("GAD", "GAD2", "GAD3"), secondstring = c("AB1", "AB2", "AB3"))
(tmp_new <- glue::glue_data(tmp, "{firststring} and {secondstring} went to the park for a walk. {firststring} forgot his keys."))
#> GAD and AB1 went to the park for a walk. GAD forgot his keys.
#> GAD2 and AB2 went to the park for a walk. GAD2 forgot his keys.
#> GAD3 and AB3 went to the park for a walk. GAD3 forgot his keys.
(with(tmp, paste(firststring, "and", secondstring, "went to the park for a walk.", firststring, "forgot his keys.")))
#> [1] "GAD and AB1 went to the park for a walk. GAD forgot his keys."
#> [2] "GAD2 and AB2 went to the park for a walk. GAD2 forgot his keys."
#> [3] "GAD3 and AB3 went to the park for a walk. GAD3 forgot his keys."