import weakref, new
class innerclass(object):
"""Descriptor for making inner classes.
Adds a property 'owner' to the inner class, pointing to the outer
owner instance.
# Use a weakref dict to memoise previous results so that
# instance.Inner() always returns the same inner classobj.
def __init__(self, inner):
self.inner= inner
self.instances= weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
# Not thread-safe - consider adding a lock.
def __get__(self, instance, _):
if instance is None:
return self.inner
if instance not in self.instances:
self.instances[instance]= new.classobj(
self.inner.__name__, (self.inner,), {'owner': instance}
return self.instances[instance]
# Using an inner class
class Outer(object):
class Inner(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s.%s inner object of %r>' % (
>>> o1= Outer()
>>> o2= Outer()
>>> i1= o1.Inner()
>>> i1
<Outer.Inner inner object of <__main__.Outer object at 0x7fb2cd62de90>>
>>> isinstance(i1, Outer.Inner)
>>> isinstance(i1, o1.Inner)
>>> isinstance(i1, o2.Inner)
I have used Python's inner classes to create deliberately buggy subclasses within unittest functions (i.e. inside def test_something():) in order to get closer to 100% test coverage (e.g. testing very rarely triggered logging statements by overriding some methods).
class A(object):
def scope():
class Buggy(A):
"""Do tests or something"""
assert isinstance(Buggy(), A)
我在 OSX Python 2.7.6下得到了以下有趣的结果:
>>> from inner import A, scope
>>> A.__subclasses__()
>>> scope()
>>> A.__subclasses__()
[<class 'inner.Buggy'>]
>>> del A, scope
>>> from inner import A
>>> A.__subclasses__()
[<class 'inner.Buggy'>]
>>> del A
>>> import gc
>>> gc.collect()
>>> gc.collect() # Yes I needed to call the gc twice, seems reproducible
>>> from inner import A
>>> A.__subclasses__()
import json, decimal
class Helper1(object):
class Helper2(object):
# Here is the notorious JSONEncoder extension to serialize Decimals to JSON floats
class DecimalJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
class _repr_decimal(float): # Because float.__repr__ cannot be monkey patched
def __init__(self, obj):
self._obj = obj
def __repr__(self):
return '{:f}'.format(self._obj)
def default(self, obj): # override JSONEncoder.default
if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
return self._repr_decimal(obj)
# else
super(self.__class__, self).default(obj)
# could also have inherited from object and used return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class A(object):
class B(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def make_B(self):
return self.B(self)
class AA(A): # Inheritance
class B(A.B): # Inheritance, same class name
If B were a top-level class, you could not write self.B() in the method make_B but would simply write B(), and thus lose the 动态绑定动态绑定 to the adequate classes.
class MyOuter1:
class Inner:
def show(self, msg):
方法2: 使用模块级别的内部类附加到外部类 < br > (= “引用的内部类”)
class _InnerClass:
def show(self, msg):
class MyOuter2:
Inner = _InnerClass
Underscore is used to follow PEP8 "internal interfaces (packages, modules, classes, functions, attributes or other names) should -- be prefixed with a single leading underscore."
2. 相似之处
Below code snippet demonstrates the functional similarities of the "Nested class" vs "Referenced inner class"; They would behave the same way in code checking for the type of an inner class instance. Needless to say, the m.inner.anymethod() would behave similarly with m1 and m2
# AttributeError: type object 'Inner' has no attribute 'foo'
# AttributeError: type object '_InnerClass' has no attribute 'foo'