Python 这个抽象方法修饰符

我读过关于抽象基类的 python 文档:

来自 给你:

abc.abstractmethod(function) 表示抽象方法的修饰符。

使用此修饰符需要类的元类为 ABCMeta或 一个类,它有一个从 ABCMeta派生的元类 不能实例化,除非它的所有抽象方法和 属性被重写。

还有 给你

您可以将 @abstractmethod修饰符应用于诸如 draw ()之类的方法 必须实现的; 然后 Python 将为 没有定义方法的类。请注意,异常只是 实际尝试创建子类的实例时引发 缺乏方法。


import abc

class AbstractClass(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

def abstractMethod(self):

class ConcreteClass(AbstractClass):
def __init__(self): = "me"

c = ConcreteClass()

代码运行良好,所以我不明白。如果我键入 c.abstractMethod,我会得到:

<bound method ConcreteClass.abstractMethod of <__main__.ConcreteClass object at 0x7f694da1c3d0>>

我在这里遗漏了什么? ConcreteClass 必须的实现抽象方法,但我没有得到例外。

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Are you using python3 to run that code? If yes, you should know that declaring metaclass in python3 have changes you should do it like this instead:

import abc

class AbstractClass(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

def abstractMethod(self):

The full code and the explanation behind the answer is:

import abc

class AbstractClass(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

def abstractMethod(self):

class ConcreteClass(AbstractClass):

def __init__(self): = "me"

# Will get a TypeError without the following two lines:
#   def abstractMethod(self):
#       return 0

c = ConcreteClass()

If abstractMethod is not defined for ConcreteClass, the following exception will be raised when running the above code: TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class ConcreteClass with abstract methods abstractMethod

Import ABC from abc and make your own abstract class a child of ABC can help make the code look cleaner.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class AbstractClass(ABC):

def abstractMethod(self):

class ConcreteClass(AbstractClass):
def __init__(self): = "me"

# The following would raise a TypeError complaining
# abstractMethod is not implemented
c = ConcreteClass()

Tested with Python 3.6