将对象添加到 ArrayList 并在以后修改它

如果我有一个数组列表,我添加了一个对象,然后我修改了这个对象,这个变化会反映在数组列表中吗?或者当我将对象添加到 ArrayList 时,Java 会创建一个副本并将其添加到 ArrayList?

如果我将对这个对象的引用更改为 null 会怎么样?这是否意味着数组列表中的对象现在也为空?

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will this change reflect in the ArrayList?

Yes, since you added a reference to the object in the list. The reference you added will still point to the same object, (which you modified).

or when I add the object to the ArrayList, Java creates a copy and add it to the ArrayList?

No, it won't copy the object. (It will copy the reference to the object.)

What if I change the reference to this object to null? Does that mean that the object in the ArrayList now null too?

No, since the content of the original reference was copied when added to the list. (Keep in mind that it is the reference that is copied, not the object.)


StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("foo");

List<StringBuffer> list = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>();

System.out.println(list);   // prints [foo]

System.out.println(list);   // prints [foobar]

sb = null;

System.out.println(list);   // still prints [foobar]

Any change to the object will be reflected in the list.

However, when you deal with objects like Strings that are immutable, a new object will be created on "change operations". Than actually your old object is still in the list while you got a new one elsewhere.

Wanted to add another demonstration where the ArrayList is inside of a Map as the value. The ArrayList is modified after adding to the Map and the Map reflects the changes.

The Map has one element with mother's name as the key and children as the value.

    String key = "adeleMom";
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> myMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
ArrayList<String> firstList = new ArrayList<String>();
myMap.put(key, firstList);
firstList = null;
ArrayList secondList = myMap.get(key);
System.out.println(secondList); // prints [adele]
System.out.println("Added bonnie");
ArrayList thirdList = myMap.get(key);
System.out.println(thirdList); // prints [adele, bonnie]

Thank you all guys. I figured it out again by reading your posts. It is probably a confusing concept, since I've had it digested long ago but recently I forgot how it works again. So I wanna share the tip that solves the problem for me. Note that non-primitive objects (primitives are int, boolean, etc) in java are technically pointers. When you add the 'Object o' to a list, the list's item and the 'o' point to the same thing. So when you modify 'o' (you're changing something that both 'o' & list's item are pointing to) the list's item changes too. This is as long as they point to the same thing. So this rule does not apply when 'o' points to something else after using '=' on it.

o = null;   //'o' points to nothing and from now on, changes in 'o' doesn't effect the list's item


Object a = new Object();
o = a;    //'o' and the list's item don't point to same thing so changes in 'o' doesn't effect the list's item (but it effects 'a')

hope it helps someone