public static List<TResult> QuickMapper<TSource, TResult>(IList<TSource> data) where TResult : new()
N.B. no DEEP copy - good for simple dto to View Model transfer etc ...
classes will need to have a parameterless constructor 'where TResult : new()'
by default - this will ignore cases where destination object does not have one of the source object's fields- common in ViewModels ...
you could use a Dictionary<String,string> param to handle cases where property names don't marry up..
to use : List<Class2> lst2 = Helper.QuickMapper<Class1, Class2>(lst1).ToList();
var result = new List<TResult>(data.Count);
PropertyDescriptorCollection propsSource = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(TSource));
PropertyDescriptorCollection propsResult= TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(TResult));
TResult obj;
Object colVal;
string sResultFieldName = "";
string sSourceFieldName = "";
foreach (TSource item in data)
obj = new TResult();
for (int iResult = 0; iResult < propsResult.Count; iResult++)
PropertyDescriptor propResult = propsResult[iResult];
sResultFieldName = propResult.Name ;
for (int iSource = 0; iSource < propsResult.Count; iSource++)
PropertyDescriptor propSource = propsSource [iSource ];
sSourceFieldName = propSource.Name;
if (sResultFieldName == sSourceFieldName)
colVal = propSource.GetValue(item) ?? null;
propResult.SetValue(obj, colVal);
catch (Exception ex)
string ss = "sResultFieldName = " + sResultFieldName + "\r\nsSourceFieldName = " + sSourceFieldName + "\r\n" + ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace;
// do what you want here ...
return result;