It may be tempting to alter Array.prototype, but one can simply extend the Array object using prototypal inheritance and inject said new object into your projects.
a1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
a2 = [21,22];
a2.unshift(2, 0); // put first two params to splice onto front of array
a1.splice.apply(a1, a2); // pass array as arguments parameter to splice
console.log(a1); // [1, 2, 21, 22, 3, 4, 5];
function arrayInsertAt(destArray, pos, arrayToInsert) {
var args = [];
args.push(pos); // where to insert
args.push(0); // nothing to remove
args = args.concat(arrayToInsert); // add on array to insert
destArray.splice.apply(destArray, args); // splice it in
Array.prototype.spliceArray = function(index, insertedArray) {
var postArray = this.splice(index);
inPlacePush(this, insertedArray);
inPlacePush(this, postArray);
function inPlacePush(targetArray, pushedArray) {
// Not using forEach for browser compatability
var pushedArrayLength = pushedArray.length;
for (var index = 0; index < pushedArrayLength; index++) {
*@param target Array The array to be split up into a head and tail.
*@param body Array The array to be inserted between the head and tail.
*@param startIndex Integer Where to split the target array.
function insertArray(target, body, startIndex)
let tail = target.splice(startIndex); // target is now [1,2] and the head
return [].concat(target, body, tail);
let newArray = insertArray([1, 2, 3, 4], ["a", "b"], 2); // [1, 2, "a", "b", 3, 4]
*@param target Array The array to be split up into a head and tail.
*@param body Array The array to be inserted between the head and tail.
*@param startIndex Integer Where to split the target array.
function insertArray(target, body, startIndex)
return [].concat(target, body, target.splice(startIndex));
*@param target Array The array to be split up into a head and tail.
*@param body Array The array to be inserted between the head and tail.
*@param startIndex Integer Where to split the target array.
*@throws Error The value for startIndex must fall between the first and last index, exclusive.
function insertArray(target, body, startIndex)
const ARRAY_START = 0,
ARRAY_END = target.length - 1,
START_INDEX_MAGNITUDE = Math.abs(startIndex);
if (startIndex === ARRAY_START) {
throw new Error("The value for startIndex cannot be zero (0).");
if (startIndex === ARRAY_END || startIndex === ARRAY_NEG_END) {
throw new Error("The startIndex cannot be equal to the last index in target, or -1.");
throw new Error("The absolute value of startIndex must be less than the last index.");
return [].concat(target, body, target.splice(startIndex));
let C = [];
for(let i=0;i<200000;i++){
let A = [1,2,3,4,5];
A.splice(2,0,...C); //this will cause RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded