使用 Git 发布到 S3?

有人知道怎么做吗? 到目前为止,我还没有能够通过谷歌找到任何有用的东西。

我真的想设置一个本地回购,并使用 git push发布到 S3,这个想法是本地版本控制资产,但在 S3上远程存储。

这可以做到吗? 如果可以,怎么做?

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1 Use JGit via http://blog.spearce.org/2008/07/using-jgit-to-publish-on-amazon-s3.html

Download jgit.sh, rename it to jgit and put it in your path (for example $HOME/bin).

Setup the .jgit config file and add the following (substituting your AWS keys):

$vim ~/.jgit

accesskey: aws access key
secretkey: aws secret access key

Note, by not specifying acl: public in the .jgit file, the git files on S3 will be private (which is what we wanted). Next create an S3 bucket to store your repository in, let’s call it git-repos, and then create a git repository to upload:

s3cmd mb s3://git-repos
mkdir chef-recipes
cd chef-recipes
git init
touch README
git add README
git commit README
git remote add origin amazon-s3://.jgit@git-repos/chef-recipes.git

In the above I’m using the s3cmd command line tool to create the bucket but you can do it via the Amazon web interface as well. Now let’s push it up to S3 (notice how we use jgit whenever we interact with S3, and standard git otherwise):

jgit push origin master

Now go somewhere else (e.g. cd /tmp) and try cloning it:

jgit clone amazon-s3://.jgit@git-repos/chef-recipes.git

When it comes time to update it (because jgit doesn’t support merge or pull) you do it in 2 steps:

cd chef-recipes
jgit fetch
git merge origin/master

2 Use FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3

  1. Get an Amazon S3 account!

  2. Download, compile and install. (see InstallationNotes)

  3. Specify your Security Credentials (Access Key ID & Secret Access Key) by one of the following methods:

    • using the passwd_file command line option

    • setting the AWSACCESSKEYID and AWSSECRETACCESSKEY environment variables

    • using a .passwd-s3fs file in your home directory

    • using the system-wide /etc/passwd-s3fs file

    • do this


/usr/bin/s3fs mybucket /mnt

That's it! the contents of your amazon bucket "mybucket" should now be accessible read/write in /mnt

Dandelion is another CLI tool that will keep Git repositories in sync with S3/FTP/SFTP: http://github.com/scttnlsn/dandelion

git-s3 - https://github.com/schickling/git-s3

You just have to run git-s3 deploy

It comes with all benefits of a git repo and uploades/deletes just the files you've changed.
Note: Deploys aren't implicit via git push but you could achieve that via a git hook.

You can use deplybot(http://deploybot.com/) service which is free of cost for single git repository.

You can automate the deployment by choosing "automatic" in the deployment mode section.

I am using it now. It is very easy and useful.

You can use mc aka Minio client, its written in Golang & available under Open Source Apache License. It is available for Mac, Linux, Windows, FreeBsd. You can use mc mirror command to achieve your requirement.

mc GNU/Linux Download

64-bit Intel from https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc
32-bit Intel from https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-386/mc
32-bit ARM from https://dl.minio.io/client/mc/release/linux-arm/mc
$ chmod +x mc
$ ./mc --help

Configuring mc for Amazon S3

$ mc config host add mys3 https://s3.amazonaws.com BKIKJAA5BMMU2RHO6IBB V7f1CwQqAcwo80UEIJEjc5gVQUSSx5ohQ9GSrr12
  • Replace with your access/secret key
  • By default mc uses signature version 4 of amazon S3.
  • mys3 is Amazon S3 alias for minio client

Mirror your github local repository/directory say name mygithub to amazon S3 bucket name mygithubbkp

$ ./mc mirror mygithub mys3/mygithubbkp

Hope it helps Disclaimer : I work for Minio

version control your files with Github? This script (and its associated GitHub / AWS configurations) will take new commits to your repo and sync them into your S3 bucket.


You need JGit for it.

Just save a .jgit file in User directory with aws credentials and you can use git with s3.

Here is what your git url will look like.


You can do everything you do with git with jgit.

Get a complete setup guide here.


You can also do this using the AWS CLI and Git (with hooks). Verified working on Windows 10. Should work on Linux/Mac.

Setup Sync to S3 on commit

  1. Install AWS CLI
  2. Setup IAM programmatic access credentials (you can limit to S3 and even down to just the bucket).
  3. Configure AWS CLI with the credentials
  4. Create the S3 bucket in AWS console, or on the CLI.
  5. Ensure the bucket is private.
  6. Make a new bare git repo of your existing git project:
mkdir myproject.git
cd myproject.git
git init --bare

NOTE: Using a bare repo will serve as the upstream and the bare repo will only have the changes that you want to upload to the S3 bucket and not ignored files, local git configurations, etc.

  1. Install this hook as post-update into hooks of the bare myproject.git directory.
    #!/bin/sh; C:/Program\ Files/Git/usr/bin/sh.exe
    # Sync the contents of the bare repo to an S3 bucket.
    aws s3 sync . s3://myproject/
  2. Update the hook with the correct S3 bucket name.
  3. Now cd into your myproject directory and add the bare repo as an upstream, name it s3 for example:
git remote add s3 path/to/bare/directory/myproject.git

NOTE: You can use a relative path for the path to the bare directory.


  1. Add changes to your repo and commit.
  2. Push your changes to s3 upstream when you want to sync changes to your S3 bucket.
  3. You should see the changes sync to the S3 bucket you specifed, you can also view the changes in the S3 bucket to verify everything worked.


Perhaps use s3 sync from the awscli.

If you want to ignore the same local files as you do when you push to a remote repository, you'll want to use the --exclude flag. This was encouraged by some of the AWS internal training, and it works, but it includes everything in your folder, including pycache/any files you want to ignore unless you list them as optional arguments with that exclude flag. If you prefer this method, you can write a script with a .sh extension and have a 'uge series of --exclude flags with all files/directories you want to ignore.

aws s3 sync ./* s3://fraschp/mizzle/
--exclude ".git/*"
--exclude "./pycache/*"
--exclude "*.csv"

More information about the syntax or rationale, especially about include/exclude, is available in the docs.

I like this vanilla approach because I don't have to install anything and it complies with any security considerations baked into s3 tooling.