具有可空和的 Linq 查询

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Sum()


The null value cannot be assigned to a member with type System.Int32 which is a non-nullable value type.

我假设它是因为 sum 返回一个 int 而不是一个 nullable int,给 sum 一个 int?由于输入只给出相同的错误,可能导致 sum 只对 int 起作用。


69978 次浏览
from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points ?? 0).Sum()

编辑-好吧,这个怎么样... (再拍一次,因为我不知道你的模型...) :

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId)
.Sum(v => v.Points)

一个简单但有效的解决办法就是只把得分加起来。Count > 0,因此您永远不会有 null 值:

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId &&
v.Points.Count > 0
select v.Points).Sum()
        (from i in Db.Items
where (from v in Db.Votes
where i.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Count() > 0
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Items
where i.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Sum()
}).Union(from i in Db.Items
where (from v in Db.Votes
where i.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Count() == 0
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = 0
}).OrderBy(i => i.Points);


您希望使用可为空的 Sum 形式,因此尝试将您的值转换为可为空的:

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Sum(r => (decimal?) r.Points)



如果你不喜欢转换为空小数,你也可以尝试使用 Linq To Objects with ToList ()方法,

空集合的 LinqToObjects Sum 为0,其中空集合的 LinqToSql Sum 为 null。

假设“ v 点”是一个小数,只需使用以下内容:

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select (decimal?) v.Points).Sum() ?? 0


List<int> emptyPoints = new List<int>() { 0 };

from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Union(emptyPoints).Sum()




Votes = (from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId = v.ItemId
select v)

然后检查是否得到了任何结果,这样就不会得到 null 返回。

If (Votes.Count > 0) Then
Points = Votes.Sum(Function(v) v.Points)
End If


var count = db.Cart.Where(c => c.UserName == "Name").Sum(c => (int?)c.Count) ?? 0;

因此,问题的根源在于这样的 SQL 查询:

SELECT SUM([Votes].[Value])
FROM [dbo].[Votes] AS [Votes]
WHERE 1 = [Votes].[UserId]



from i in Db.Items
select new VotedItem
ItemId = i.ItemId,
Points = (decimal?)((from v in Db.Votes
where b.ItemId == v.ItemId
select v.Points).Sum()) ?? 0

可以说,这更符合什么是真正发生了什么,但它有同样的效果,作为在 这个答案演员。

我觉得这是同一个案子。 我解决了,这是我的解决办法:

var x = (from a in this.db.Pohybs
let sum = (from p in a.Pohybs
where p.PohybTyp.Vydej == true
select p.PocetJednotek).Sum()
where a.IDDil == IDDil && a.PohybTyp.Vydej == false
&& ( ((int?)sum??0) < a.PocetJednotek)
select a);



Where(q=> q.ItemId == b.ItemId && b.Points.HasValue).Sum(q=>q.Points.Value)


Where(q => q.FinalValue.HasValue).Sum(q=>q.FinalValue.Value);


Where(a => a.ItemId == b.ItemId && !b.IsPointsNull()).Sum(b => b.Points)

假设 Point 是一个 Int32列表,那么这样的东西怎么样:

var sum = Points.DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(c => (Int32)c ?? 0)