Manually changing all of those external properties sounds tedious. Have you looked at the new functionality for externals added in Subversion 1.5?
Subversion 1.5 takes a huge step in relieving these frustrations. As mentioned earlier, the URLs used in the new externals definition format can be relative, and Subversion provides syntax magic for specifying multiple flavors of URL relativity.
Relative to the URL of the directory on which the svn:externals property is set
Relative to the root of the repository in which the svn:externals property is versioned
Relative to the scheme of the URL of the directory on which the svn:externals property is set
Relative to the root URL of the server on which the svn:externals property is versioned
Maybe one of those would help? I guess it depends on exactly how you are branching and what your repository structure looks like.
Do the following in the root of your working copy:
svn propget svn:externals -R
As discussed in the comments below, this does not list externals in externals.
Note for TortoiseSVN users: there is an option in the TortoiseSVN installer to also install the SVN command line client. This option is not enabled by default.
Maybe, as a workaround, you could structure your project in such a way that all externals are set on the same folder, for example on the project folder just below Trunk. (This doesn't mean that all external folders have to be at the same depth by the way.) Then you can right-click on your project folder, then Properties..., then the tab Subversion, then Properties... then double-click svn:externals.
I used the answer of Wim Coenen and wrote the following script to create a list of all revisions:
getSvnRevs() {
cd "$1"
[ -n "$wcver" ] || panic "Unable to get version for $wcdir"
echo "$1: $wcver"
svn propget svn:externals -R | while read a b c d e; do
[ -n "$a" ] || continue
if [ "$b" = "-" ]; then
[ -z "$e" ] || panic "Invalid format #1"
[ -n "$wcparent" ] || panic "Invalid format #2"
[ -z "$c" ] || panic "Invalid format #3"
[ -d "$wcdir" ] || panic "Invalid directory: $wcdir"
wcver="$(svnversion "$wcdir")"
[ -n "$wcver" ] || panic "Unable to get version for $wcdir"
echo "$1/$wcdir: $wcver"
Fortunately, I don't have nested externals, so I didn't have to test this and I guess it wouldn't work. But if you need this, it's probably enough to just call this function recursively. Also, I never tested with filenames which need escaping. It likely won't work then.
DISCLAIMER: I know the original question was about windows, and shell script won't work there unless you're using cygwin or similar.
I took Daniel Alder's answer, removed the svnversion calls, and made it recursive (NOTE: read a b c d e doesn't work if there's a space in either the source or destination). This is a bash script, so you'll either need something like Cygwin or use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.
getSvnExternals() {
svn propget svn:externals -R "$svnbase/$svnpath" 2> /dev/null | while read a b c d e; do
[ -n "$a" ] || continue
if [ "$b" = "-" ]; then
wcdir=$(echo "$wcparent/$d" | sed s#^./##)
[ -z "$e" ] || echo "WARNING: Invalid format #1. line='$a $b $c $d $e'"
[ -n "$wcparent" ] || echo "WARNING: Invalid format #2. wcparent=$wcparent"
wcdir=$(echo "$wcparent/$b" | sed s#^./##)
[ -z "$c" ] || echo "WARNING: Invalid format #3. line='$a $b $c $d $e'"
echo "$1/$wcdir: $external"
## recurse into external directory
[ -d "$wcdir" ] && getSvnExternals "$1/$wcdir"