我可以通过编程从 Google Chrome 扩展打开 devtools 吗?

我有一个连接 devtools 的 chrome 扩展。理想情况下,我想要一个徽章,当点击,打开我创建的新标签上的 devtools。有没有办法从后台页面做到这一点?

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There is no way to do that.

The chrome://chromewebdata link only works if an instance of DevTools is already opened.

Yes you can (or not) using the experimental APIs chrome.experimental.webInspector.
You can even change the content and panels of it.
Note that you will not able submit extensions that use experimental APIs.

It seems unlikely that this is possible or will ever become possible,

check this: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=112277

which says: "We only allow explicit devtools opening."

This is quite old but since I stumbled upon it now searching for a solution I figured others might have too. Since Chrome 28 you can use the devtools.* API. This allows you to open and manipulate DevTools panels. It is also notable no longer expirimental.

One could try


It's not impossible with side extension, but if the reason is that you've tired to click Ctrl + Shift + I again and again every time - you can simply open the right button menu on needed page and select "Inspect" from it, it'll open the console like extension button, and also you don't need to search for its icon every time you need it, which is more conviniently than using an extension.

Perhaps, the extension could kick off a Selenium script and you could use the "send_keys()" function as something like this:


... as "Ctrl+Shift+J" is the default keybind to open dev-tools (as of Jul 08, 2021)