有没有办法获得 git 存储库的下载/克隆统计信息?

有没有什么方法可以得到从 github 克隆或下载一个 git 存储库的次数? 我只是好奇,因为我发现其他统计数据,如提交时间行的代码凸轮生成使用: http://gitstats.sourceforge.net/,但我没有找到如何检查克隆/下载计数。

52908 次浏览

Cloning is a read-only operation, the original repository isn't modified. There is no way you can pull statistics for data that simply isn't tracked.

Regarding download statistics, you can get information about your Releases via the API.

For those using WordPress, I developed this plugin: GitHub Release Downloads. It allows you to get the download count, links and more information for releases of GitHub repositories.

To address the original question, the shortcode [grd_count user="User" repo="MyRepo"] will return the number of downloads for a repository. This number corresponds to the sum of all download count values of all releases for one GitHub repository.

Example: Example

Actual clone counts are available via the Clone Graphs feature, which I've been able to scrape to get the individual counts:

# This script requires:
#   apt-get install html-xml-utils
#   apt-get install jq

TOKEN=`curl https://github.com/login -s -c /tmp/cookies.txt | \
hxnormalize | \
hxselect 'input[name=authenticity_token]' 2>/dev/null | \
perl -lne 'print $1 if /value=\"(\S+)\"/'`

curl -X POST https://github.com/session \
-s -b /tmp/cookies.txt -c /tmp/cookies2.txt \
--data-urlencode commit="Sign in" \
--data-urlencode authenticity_token="$TOKEN" \
--data-urlencode login="$USERNAME" \
--data-urlencode password="$PASSWORD" > /dev/null

curl "https://github.com/$REPO/graphs/clone-activity-data" \
-s -b /tmp/cookies2.txt \
-H "x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest" #| jq '.summary'

Its super easy now!

Go "REPO -> Insights -> Traffic"

enter image description here

I just find out there is an even simpler way to get it with a single command using the github API.

curl -u [username]:[password] https://api.github.com/repos/[owner]/[repo]/traffic/clones


username  = your github id
password  = your github password, optional. If not put in command, a password request would pop out.
owner     = the owner of the repo, might be another name for a organized repo
repo      = the repo name

Have fun.

You can use shields.io which provides icon bars that displays counts for projects in various websites including Github. They display the download counts, but not the clone counts.

Here's an example for a project I have:

Markdown Code:

![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/lewdev/hw-gen/total)


GitHub All Releases

Nobody "downloads" my app because it's already published, but people do clone it. So I'd rather see the counts for that.