# Queue handling. Start with the ultimate queue.
my $queues = $conn->{fujiko_queues};
foreach my $entry (@{$queues->[PRIORITY_ULTIMATE]}) {
# Ultimate is special. We run ultimate no matter what. Even if
# it sends the bucket negative.
$queues->[PRIORITY_ULTIMATE] = [];
# Continue to the other queues, in order of priority.
QRUN: for (my $pri = PRIORITY_HIGH; $pri >= PRIORITY_JUNK; --$pri) {
my $queue = $queues->[$pri];
while (scalar(@$queue)) {
if ($bucket < 1) {
# continue later.
$need_more_time = 1;
last QRUN;
} else {
my $entry = shift @$queue;
import time
def RateLimited(maxPerSecond):
minInterval = 1.0 / float(maxPerSecond)
def decorate(func):
lastTimeCalled = [0.0]
def rateLimitedFunction(*args,**kargs):
elapsed = time.clock() - lastTimeCalled[0]
leftToWait = minInterval - elapsed
if leftToWait>0:
ret = func(*args,**kargs)
lastTimeCalled[0] = time.clock()
return ret
return rateLimitedFunction
return decorate
@RateLimited(2) # 2 per second at most
def PrintNumber(num):
print num
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "This should print 1,2,3... at about 2 per second."
for i in range(1,100):
case class Limiter[-A, +B](callsPerSecond: (Double, Double), f: A ⇒ B) extends (A ⇒ B) {
import Thread.sleep
private def now = System.currentTimeMillis / 1000.0
private val (calls, sec) = callsPerSecond
private var allowance = 1.0
private var last = now
def apply(a: A): B = {
synchronized {
val t = now
val delta_t = t - last
last = t
allowance += delta_t * (calls / sec)
if (allowance > calls)
allowance = calls
if (allowance < 1d) {
sleep(((1 - allowance) * (sec / calls) * 1000d).toLong)
allowance -= 1
val f = Limiter((5d, 8d), {
_: Unit ⇒