M1 Docker 预览和密钥斗篷‘ image 的平台(linux/amd64)与检测到的主机平台(linux/arm64/v8)不匹配’问题

我刚下载了 Docker Preview v3.1 https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/apple-m1/并试着运行密钥斗篷。


docker run -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:12.0.4
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
131975 次浏览

you can try add this

 --platform linux/amd64




Add this snipped to your ~/.zshrc and ~/.bashrc. It allows you not to repeat the flag anytime you perform a docker run command:

# useful only for Mac OS Silicon M1,
# still working but useless for the other platforms
docker() {
if [[ `uname -m` == "arm64" ]] && [[ "$1" == "run" || "$1" == "build" ]]; then
/usr/local/bin/docker "$1" --platform linux/amd64 "${@:2}"
/usr/local/bin/docker "$@"

For me, the error happened because I build the docker image on an M1 chip Macbook, and tried to run the image on a Linux machine.

This worked for me:

Build the docker image using the same machine that needs to run it, and it worked.

on M1 running on this image. works for me.

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin wizzn/keycloak:14

Similar answer to what @li Etzyio replied, the error is telling you that the platform you are using to build the image locally is a different platform than the one used for the image. This happens for M1 computers (and probably other computers), so, what you have to do is specify the --platform <PLATFORM_SPEC> to the docker build command, and replace the <PLATFORM_SPEC> for the one the error is telling you (in this case linux/amr64/v8).

Also something that had worked for me is to set these environment variables:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

if you don't want to pass the flag --platform every-time you run the build command.

I had this issue because in my Dockerfile i used FROM java:8 which doesn't support arm64.

I fix it by running the following command:

docker pull openjdk

then changed my Dockerfile to

FROM openjdk:latest

If you run Docker Workstation on an M1 mac, you can leverage the Docker Workstation multi-CPU architecture support, which includes the buildx command. It allows you to create images for different CPUs.

To build a Linux/AMD/Intel image on your M1 mac workstation, run the following.

docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t myorg/mytag:1.0.0 .

Placing docker buildx in front starts the command with BuildKit. See the links above for details.

The following will do the trick when building images on M1 machines:

docker build -t <image-name> --platform linux/x86_64

I also had this problem when I upgraded to a new version

I fix it by delete all images was builded by old version "docker system prune --all" and re build image

This solves the porblem in Mac too

docker pull openjdk then changed my Dockerfile to

FROM openjdk:latest