存储过程从 Web 调用时速度较慢,从 ManagementStudio 调用时速度较快

我有一个存储过程,每次从 Web 应用程序调用它时,它都会超时。

我启动了 Sql 分析器,追踪了那段时间的通话,最后发现了这些事情:

  1. 在 MS SQL Management Studio 中执行语句时,使用相同的参数(实际上,我从 SQL profile 跟踪中复制了过程调用并运行了它) : 平均5 ~ 6秒完成。
  2. 但是,当从网络应用程序调用,它需要超过30秒(在跟踪) ,所以我的网页实际上超时了。

除了我的 web 应用程序有自己的用户这一事实之外,所有的东西都是相同的(相同的数据库、连接、服务器等等) 我也尝试运行查询直接在工作室与网络应用程序的用户,它不需要超过6秒。


我假设这与我们使用 BLL > DAL 层或者 Table 适配器的事实无关,因为跟踪清楚地显示了延迟在实际过程中。我只能想到这些。

编辑 我在 这个链接中发现 ADO.NET 将 ARITHABORT设置为 true-这在大多数情况下是好的,但有时会发生这种情况,建议的解决方法是在存储的 proc 中添加 with recompile选项。在我的情况下,它不工作,但我怀疑这是非常类似的东西。有人知道 ADO.NET 还做什么或者我在哪能找到规范吗?

79093 次浏览

Could it be that some other DB calls made before the web application calls the SP is keeping a transaction open? That could be a reason for this SP to wait when called by the web application. I say isolate the call in the web application (put it on a new page) to ensure that some prior action in the web application is causing this issue.

I've had a similar issue arise in the past, so I'm eager to see a resolution to this question. Aaron Bertrand's comment on the OP led to Query times out when executed from web, but super-fast when executed from SSMS, and while the question is not a duplicate, the answer may very well apply to your situation.

In essence, it sounds like SQL Server may have a corrupt cached execution plan. You're hitting the bad plan with your web server, but SSMS lands on a different plan since there is a different setting on the ARITHABORT flag (which would otherwise have no impact on your particular query/stored proc).

See ADO.NET calling T-SQL Stored Procedure causes a SqlTimeoutException for another example, with a more complete explanation and resolution.

I also experience that queries were running slowly from the web and fast in SSMS and I eventually found out that the problem was something called parameter sniffing.

The fix for me was to change all the parameters that are used in the sproc to local variables.

eg. change:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc]
@param1 int,
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = @param1


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sproc]
@param1 int,
DECLARE @param1a int
SET @param1a = @param1
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ID = @param1a

Seems strange, but it fixed my problem.

Simply recompiling the stored procedure (table function in my case) worked for me

like @Zane said it could be due to parameter sniffing. I experienced the same behaviour and I took a look at the execution plan of the procedure and all the statements of the sp in a row (copied all the statements form the procedure, declared the parameters as variables and asigned the same values for the variable as the parameters had). However the execution plan looked completely different. The sp execution took 3-4 seconds and the statements in a row with the exact same values was instantly returned.


After some googling I found an interesting read about that behaviour: Slow in the Application, Fast in SSMS?

When compiling the procedure, SQL Server does not know that the value of @fromdate changes, but compiles the procedure under the assumption that @fromdate has the value NULL. Since all comparisons with NULL yield UNKNOWN, the query cannot return any rows at all, if @fromdate still has this value at run-time. If SQL Server would take the input value as the final truth, it could construct a plan with only a Constant Scan that does not access the table at all (run the query SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > NULL to see an example of this). But SQL Server must generate a plan which returns the correct result no matter what value @fromdate has at run-time. On the other hand, there is no obligation to build a plan which is the best for all values. Thus, since the assumption is that no rows will be returned, SQL Server settles for the Index Seek.

The problem was that I had parameters which could be left null and if they were passed as null the would be initialised with a default value.

create procedure dbo.procedure
@dateTo datetime = null
if (@dateTo is null)
select @dateTo  = GETUTCDATE()

select foo
from dbo.table
where createdDate < @dateTo

After I changed it to

create procedure dbo.procedure
@dateTo datetime = null
declare @to datetime = coalesce(@dateTo, getutcdate())

select foo
from dbo.table
where createdDate < @to

it worked like a charm again.

Not to spam, but as a hopefully helpful solution for others, our system saw a high degree of timeouts.

I tried setting the stored procedure to be recompiled by using sp_recompile and this resolved the issue for the one SP.

Ultimately there were a larger number of SP's that were timing-out, many of which had never done so before, by using DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS and DBCC FREEPROCCACHE the incident rate of timeouts has plummeted significantly - there are still isolated occurrences, some where I suspect the plan regeneration is taking a while, and some where the SPs are genuinely under-performant and need re-evaluation.

@ToUserId bigint=null
SELECT * FROM tbl_Logins WHERE LoginId = @ToUserId
@ToUserId bigint=null
DECLARE @Toid bigint=null
SET @Toid=@ToUserId
SELECT * FROM tbl_Logins WHERE LoginId = @Toid

You can target specific cached execution plans via:

SELECT cp.plan_handle, st.[text]
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE [text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%'

And then remove only the execution plans causing issues via, for example:

DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (0x050006003FCA862F40A19A93010000000000000000000000)

I've now got a job running every 5 minutes that looks for slow running procedures or functions and automatically clears down those execution plans if it finds any:

if exists (
SELECT cpu_time, *
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext
--order by req.total_elapsed_time desc
WHERE ([text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%')
and cpu_time > 8000

SELECT cp.plan_handle, st.[text]
into #results
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS st
WHERE [text] LIKE N'%your troublesome SP or function name etc%'
delete #results where text like 'SELECT cp.plan_handle%'
--select * from #results

declare @handle varbinary(max)
declare @handleconverted varchar(max)
declare @sql varchar(1000)

select plan_handle from #results

OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @handle


--e.g. DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (0x050006003FCA862F40A19A93010000000000000000000000)
print @handle
set @handleconverted = '0x' + CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:hexBinary(sql:variable("@handle"))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)')
print @handleconverted
set @sql = 'DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (' + @handleconverted + ')'
print 'DELETING: ' + @sql

FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @handle

CLOSE db_cursor
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

drop table #results
