# this hook looks for lines with the text `var isPhoneGap = false;` in the file `buildVars.java` and it resets these lines to the previous state before staged with `reset -p`
if [[ $(git diff --no-ext-diff --cached buildVars.java | grep --count -e "var\ isPhoneGap[\ ]*=[\ ]*") -ne 0 ]]; then
cat <<EOW
WARNING: You are attempting to commit changes which are not supposed to be commited according to this \`pre-commit\` hook
This \`pre-commit\` hook will reset all the files containing this line to it's previous state in the last commit.
echo /$'\n'isPhoneGap$'\n'y$'\n'q | git reset -p
# BONUS: Check if after reseting, there is no actual changes to be commited and if so, exit 1 so the commit process will abort.
if [[ $(git diff --no-ext-diff --cached | wc -l) -eq 0 ]]; then
echo there are no actual changes to be commited and besides the change to the variable \'isPhoneGap\' so I won\'t commit.
exit 1
git checkout my-feature
git cherry-pick my-feature..my-goodies # assuming both started from the same main branch, say, my-goodies started a few (or many) revisions back
git rebase -i @{u} # set all the goodies revisions to skip, save, and go