If you are using MacOS Terminal go to Preferences...>Settings>Keyboard and map the end key to Ctrl-O$ (it is displayed as \017$) and then use fn+left to simulate the end key. Do the same for the home key. Escape sequence \033[H also works for home.
A shortcut that has worked for me (both muscle memory and intuitiveness) is to map __ (which is a double _) to "insert at start of current line".
_ already goes to the start of line
in vim, doubling anything is a very common way of doing that "to this line"
double _ doesn't conflict with any motions (you're already at the start of line)
your hand is already in the right place if you went to the beginning of the line and now want to insert.
"insert at start of current line by typing in __ (two underscores)
function DoubleUnderscore()
if v:count == 0 && getcurpos()[2] == 1
:silent call feedkeys('I', 'n')
:silent call feedkeys('^', v:count + 'n')
nnoremap <silent> _ :call DoubleUnderscore()<CR>
It's this complicated because the easy alternative nnoremap __ _I causes vim to delay on pressing _ to distinguish between _ and __.