There are defaults in the theme that Android uses if you don't specifiy a text color. It may be different colors in various Android UIs (e.g. HTC Sense, Samsung TouchWiz, etc). Android has a _dark and _light theme, so the defaults are different for these (but nearly black in both of them in vanilla android). It is however good practice to define your primary text color yourself for to provide a consistent style throughout the devices.
I found that android:textColor="@android:color/secondary_text_dark" provides a closer result to the default TextView color than android:textColor="@android:color/tab_indicator_text".
I suppose you have to switch between secondary_text_dark/light depending on the Theme you are using
It may not be possible in all situations, but why not simply use the value of a different random TextView that exists in the same Activity and that carries the colour you are looking for?
You could use TextView.setTag/getTag to store original color before making changes. I would suggest to create an unique id resource in ids.xml to differentiate other tags if you have.
before setting to other colors:
if (textView.getTag( == null) {
textView.setTag(, textView.currentTextColor)
Changing back:
textView.getTag( as? Int then {
There are some default colours which get defined in the Themes of app. Below is the code snippet which you can use to get the current default color programmatically.
protected int getDefaultTextColor(){
TextView textView = new TextView(getContext());
return textView.getCurrentTextColor();