我在 iPhone 上的日期字符串中使用的毫秒格式字符串是什么?


例如,假设我有一个值如下的字符串: “2011-06-23T13:13:00.000”

在下面的代码中传递什么格式字符串给我的 NSDateFormatter?

NSString *dateValue = @"2011-06-23T13:13:00.000";
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSString *formatString = @"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.???";
[formatter setDateFormat:formatString];
NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:dateValue];


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use SSS for three decimal places of a second


It's SSS, per the Unicode Locale Data Markup Language spec.


More generally, use any number of upper-case S characters to get that many decimal places in the fractions-of-a-second component. (So ss.S will show the time to the nearest tenth of a second, for example.)

The Date Format Patterns guide suggests that "S" is the format specifier for fractions of seconds.

You need to pass same number of 'S' at the end for example My Date was '2015-11-17T03:36:45.041503Z' the i used 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSz' formatter, I mean see the number of 'S' is 6 as 6 digit coming in date.