我试图在一个 XML 文件中的 TextView 中用双引号显示一些单词,但是没有用。
<TextView style="@style/TextStyle" android:text="message "quote string 1" and "quote string 2" end message" android:id="@+id/lblAboutPara3" android:autoLink="web"/>
在 strings.xml中,您可以简单地用反斜杠转义特殊字符(如双引号) :
"message \"quote string 1\" and \"quote string 2\" end message"
但是在 views xml (例如 layout.xml)中,必须使用 HTML 字符实体(例如 ") :
"message "quote string 1" and "quote string 2" end message"
For more, visit http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html
使用 escape characters。要显示双引号使用 \"
escape characters
android:text="message \"quote string 1\" and "quote string 2\" end message"
<TextView style="@style/TextStyle" android:text='message \"quote string 1\" and \"quote string 2\" end message' android:id="@+id/lblAboutPara3" android:autoLink="web"/>
<TextView style="@style/TextStyle" android:text='message "quote string 1" and "quote string 2" end message' android:id="@+id/lblAboutPara3" android:autoLink="web"/>
Use " symbol to solve this hardcode problem :)
android:text="message "quote string 1""
TextView.setText(Html.fromHtml("“ " + "YOUR TEXT" + " ”"));
如果字符串中有双引号,则必须将其转义为 (\")。用单引号包围字符串不起作用。
在 strings.xml 中
<string name="good_example">This is a \"good string\".</string>
译自: 美国《科学》杂志网站(http://developer.android.com/guide/questions/resources/string-resources. html) http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html
You can use Unicode in any xml file
android:text="message \u0022quote string 1\u0022 and \u0022quote string 2\u0022 end message"
Http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/0022/index.htm 向下滚动到 < em > C/C + +/Java 源代码
Use single quotes to wrap the message and you can use as many double-quotes as you want inside the string.
android:text='message "quote string 1" and "quote string 2" end message'