/// <summary>
/// Returns characters slices from string between two indexes.
/// If start or end are negative, their indexes will be calculated counting
/// back from the end of the source string.
/// If the end param is less than the start param, the Slice will return a
/// substring in reverse order.
/// <param name="source">String the extension method will operate upon.</param>
/// <param name="startIndex">Starting index, may be negative.</param>
/// <param name="endIndex">Ending index, may be negative).</param>
/// </summary>
public static string Slice(this string source, int startIndex, int endIndex = int.MaxValue)
// If startIndex or endIndex exceeds the length of the string they will be set
// to zero if negative, or source.Length if positive.
if (source.ExceedsLength(startIndex)) startIndex = startIndex < 0 ? 0 : source.Length;
if (source.ExceedsLength(endIndex)) endIndex = endIndex < 0 ? 0 : source.Length;
// Negative values count back from the end of the source string.
if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = source.Length + startIndex;
if (endIndex < 0) endIndex = source.Length + endIndex;
// Calculate length of characters to slice from string.
int length = Math.Abs(endIndex - startIndex);
// If the endIndex is less than the startIndex, return a reversed substring.
if (endIndex < startIndex) return source.Substring(endIndex, length).Reverse();
return source.Substring(startIndex, length);
/// <summary>
/// Reverses character order in a string.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <returns>string</returns>
public static string Reverse(this string source)
char[] charArray = source.ToCharArray();
return new string(charArray);
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that the index is within the range of the string source.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source"></param>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns>bool</returns>
public static bool ExceedsLength(this string source, int index)
return Math.Abs(index) > source.Length ? true : false;
因此,如果你有一个像“This is an extension method”这样的字符串,这里有一些示例和结果。
var s = "This is an extension method";
// If you want to slice off end characters, just supply a negative startIndex value
// but no endIndex value (or an endIndex value >= to the source string length).
// Returns "ethod".
Console.WriteLine(s.Slice(-5, 10));
// Results in a startIndex of 22 (counting 5 back from the end).
// Since that is greater than the endIndex of 10, the result is reversed.
// Returns "m noisnetxe"
Console.WriteLine(s.Slice(2, 15));
// Returns "is is an exte"
//find the length of the string
int streamLen=StreamSelected.Length;
//now remove all characters except the last 10 characters
string streamLessTen = StreamSelected.Remove(0,(streamLen - 10));
//extract the 3 characters using substring starting from index 0
//show Result is a TextBox (txtStreamSubs) with
txtStreamSubs.Text = streamLessTen.Substring(0, 3);