import json, requests, pprint
url = ''
params = dict(
data = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
binary = data.content
output = json.loads(binary)
# test to see if the request was valid
#print output['status']
# output all of the results
# step-by-step directions
for route in output['routes']:
for leg in route['legs']:
for step in leg['steps']:
print step['html_instructions']
import requests
import json
# Goole Maps API.
link = ',IL&destination=Los+Angeles,CA&waypoints=Joplin,MO|Oklahoma+City,OK&sensor=false'
# Request data from link as 'str'
data = requests.get(link).text
# convert 'str' to Json
data = json.loads(data)
# Now you can access Json
for i in data['routes'][0]['legs'][0]['steps']:
lattitude = i['start_location']['lat']
longitude = i['start_location']['lng']
print('{}, {}'.format(lattitude, longitude))