模拟 Java 输入流

请提供指针来帮助我模拟那个 java InputStream 对象。 这是我想模仿的代码行:

InputStreamReader inputData = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
bufferdReader = new BufferedReader(inputData);
127728 次浏览
BufferedReader bufferedReader = org.mockito.Mockito.mock(BufferedReader.class);
.thenReturn("first line")
.thenReturn("second line");

org.junit.Assert.when(new Client(bufferedReader).parseLine())
.thenEquals(IsEqual.equalTo("first line"));

You could just use a ByteArrayInputStream and fill it with your test data.

@Brad's example from the comments:

InputStream anyInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("test data".getBytes());

You could use commons-io to create some stub input streams:

InputStream stubInputStream =
IOUtils.toInputStream("some test data for my input stream", "UTF-8");

Change your object so it is easier to test, something like this:

public MyObject {
private InputStream inputStream;

public void setInputStream(InputStream inputStream) {this.inputStream = inputStream;}

public void whatever() {
InputStreamReader inputData = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
bufferdReader = new BufferedReader(inputData);

then when you use your object initialize its inputStream first:

MyObject myObject = new MyObject();

Now you have an object where you can test it using any implementation of InputStream you want (ByteArrayInputStream is a good one to try).

I disagree with the selected answer for this question. Mocking frameworks like Mockito are nice and all, however when standard java api is available you might consider using that instead.


BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader("some string"));

Why use a Mock object in your test classes when you could use a real one with all its state and behaviour?

To see more about how this works, you could look up the 'decorator' design pattern.

Assuming you are using Maven you can put a resource into "src/test/resources/" folder let's say "src/test/resources/wonderful-mock-data.xml". Then in you jUnit your can do:

    String resourceInputFile = "/database-insert-test.xml";
URL url = this.getClass().getResource(resourceInputFile);
Assert.assertNotNull("Can't find resource " + resourceInputFile, url);

InputStream inputStream = url.openStream();

// Now you can just use the inputStream for method calls requiring this param

In this example the url varialble will be null if the given resource can't be found inside current classpath. This approach allows you to put multiple scenarios inside different resourceInputFile(s)... Also remember that all kind of resources under "src/test/resources/" (not just xml files, any kind like txt, html, jpeg, etc.) are normaly available as classpath resources from all jUnit tests.

public void testReadFile() {
TestClass ClassName = Mockito.mock(TestClass.class);
InputStream in = Mockito.mock(InputStream.class);
InputStreamReader inr =Mockito.mock(InputStreamReader.class);
BufferedReader bufferedReader =Mockito.mock(BufferedReader.class);
try {
String line1 = "example line";
method return type = Whitebox.invokeMethod(ClassName, "MethodName", arguement);
assertEquals("result is::","expected", actual);
} catch (Exception e) {

The best solution i found is use

final InputStream inputStream1 = IOUtils.toInputStream("yourdata");

and then wrap the inpustream in bufferedReader best way to write test around input Stream

String testString = "test\nstring";
InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(testString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));

Assert.assertEquals("test", reader.readLine());
Assert.assertEquals("string", reader.readLine());

Reference http://www.javased.com/?api=org.mockito.Matchers