if you want to give the space between layout .this is the way to use space. if you remove margin it will not appear.use of text inside space to appear is not a good approach.
hope that helps.
First of all, this invisible view will be measured because it is "fill_parent". Android will try to calculate the right width of it. Instead, a small constant number (1dp) is recommended here.
Secondly, View should be replaced by a simpler class Space, a class dedicated to create empty spaces between UI component for fastest speed.
View occupies a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and event handling. View is more customizable, you can add background, draw shapes like space.
Implementing Space :
(Eg: Space For 20 vertical and 10 horizontal density pixels)
Just add weightSum tag to linearlayout to 1 and for the corresponding view beneath it give layout_weight as .9 it will create a space between the views. You can experiment with the values to get appropriate value for you.