
假设我有一个子类,它扩展了一个超类。在什么情况下需要显式键入 super()来运行超类构造函数?

我正在看一本关于抽象类的书中的一个例子,当他们用一个非抽象的子类来扩展它时,子类的缺省构造函数是空的,并且有一条注释说超类的缺省构造函数将被调用。与此同时,我也在这里看到了一些实例,其中有些人的问题没有明确调用 super()

调用超类的 default/non-default 构造函数与调用子类的 default/non-default 构造函数是否有区别?

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If you don't explicitly call a super constructor the argument less constructor (super()) will be called. This means you have to call a specific constructor yourself if there's no reachable argument-less constructor of the super class.

But often enough you want a different constructor anyways even if you could use the default constructor - depends on your code.

Also note that if no constructor is declared the compiler generates a public default constructor automatically, but as soon as you write your own constructor this does not happen anymore.

You never need just


That's what will be there if you don't specify anything else. You only need to specify the constructor to call if:

  • You want to call a superclass constructor which has parameters
  • You want to chain to another constructor in the same class instead of the superclass constructor

You claim that:

At the same time I've also seen instances on here where someone's problem was not explicitly calling super().

Could you give any examples? I can't imagine how that's possible...

The super() method is always called in constructors of sub-classes, even if it is not explicitly written in code.

The only time you need to write it, is if there are several super(...) methods in the super-class with different initialization parameters.