可能的复制品: Github: 我能看看一个回购的下载量吗
有人能告诉我在 GitHub 上哪里可以找到我的项目的下载次数吗?
You can find answer on the github support.
There are technical limitations, we tried this in the past and it had a negative impact on performance. If we find a solution, we'll re-implement it.
If you archive your project and post it as a download, you can see how many times that archive has been downloaded (e.g. https://github.com/jhclark/multeval/downloads).
However, I'm not aware of any way of doing this for downloads of the entire source tree.
You can also perform this programmatically by leveraging the GitHub API. There's a whole section dedicated to the Package Download API.
Below the syntax to retrieve the list of downloads
GET /repos/:user/:repo/downloads
For instance here are the list of downloads of the libgit2 project: