

我使用这个WebKit CSS代码,它适用于Safari和Chrome:

::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 15px;
height: 15px;

::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
background-color: #c2d2e4;

::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical {
height: 30px;
background-color: #0a4c95;



630983 次浏览



  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/54101063/405015 < a href = " https://stackoverflow.com/a/54101063/405015 " > < / >
  • https://stackoverflow.com/a/53739309/405015 < a href = " https://stackoverflow.com/a/53739309/405015 " > < / >








现在我开始使用完美的滚动条。它简单且轻量级(6 KB),到目前为止它做得还不错。它根本不是CPU密集型的(据我所知),并且对DOM的添加非常少。它只有几个参数来调整(wheelSpeed和wheelPropagation),但这是我所需要的,它处理更新滚动内容很好(如加载图像)。



scrollbar {
/*  clear useragent default style*/
-moz-appearance: none !important;
/* buttons at two ends */
scrollbarbutton {
-moz-appearance: none !important;
/* the sliding part*/
-moz-appearance: none !important;
scrollcorner {
-moz-appearance: none !important;
/* vertical or horizontal */
scrollbar[orient="vertical"] {




.scroll_content {
position: relative;
width: 400px;
height: 414px;
top: -17px;
padding: 20px 10px 20px 10px;
overflow-y: auto;







.scroller {
overflow-y: scroll;
scrollbar-color: #0A4C95 #C2D2E4;


.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 15px;
height: 15px;

.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece  {
background-color: #C2D2E4;

.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical {
height: 30px;
background-color: #0A4C95;


.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-track  {
background-color: #C2D2E4;

.scroller::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
height: 30px;
background-color: #0A4C95;

最后,为了在Firefox的滚动条中隐藏箭头,目前需要使用以下规则scrollbar-width: thin;将其设置为“

Firefox 64增加了对规范草案CSS滚动条模块级别1的支持,该规范草案增加了scrollbar-widthscrollbar-color中的两个新属性,从而对滚动条的显示方式进行了一些控制。


  • auto滚动条轨道部分的默认平台呈现,在没有任何其他相关滚动条颜色属性的情况下。
  • <color>将第一种颜色应用于滚动条的拇指,第二种颜色应用于滚动条的轨道。



此外,在99.0之前的macOS Firefox版本中,macOS默认的自动隐藏半透明滚动条不能按这些规则设置样式。从Firefox 99.0开始,所有macOS滚动条模式(在System Preferences >显示滚动条)可以着色。


.scroll {
width: 20%;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid grey;
overflow: scroll;
display: inline-block;
.scroll-color-auto {
scrollbar-color: auto;
.scroll-color-colors {
scrollbar-color: orange lightyellow;
<div class="scroll scroll-color-auto">

<div class="scroll scroll-color-colors">


  • auto平台的默认滚动条宽度。
  • thin提供该选项的平台上的薄滚动条宽度变体,或比默认平台滚动条宽度更薄的滚动条。
  • none没有显示滚动条,但是元素仍然是可滚动的。





.scroll {
width: 30%;
height: 100px;
border: 1px solid grey;
overflow: scroll;
display: inline-block;
.scroll-width-auto {
scrollbar-width: auto;
.scroll-width-thin {
scrollbar-width: thin;
.scroll-width-none {
scrollbar-width: none;
<div class="scroll scroll-width-auto">

<div class="scroll scroll-width-thin">

<div class="scroll scroll-width-none">


/* Thin Scrollbar */
scrollbar-color: rgb(210,210,210) rgb(46,54,69) !important;
scrollbar-width: thin !important;


截至2021年,Firefox滚动条定制只有两个属性可用;scrollbar-colorscrollbar width

scrollbar-color: red yellow; /* track thumb */
scrollbar-width: 5px; /* none, thin, or auto */

.demo {
overflow-y: scroll;

.demo {
scrollbar-color: red yellow;
scrollbar-width: 10px;
<div class="demo">
some scroll text...<br><br> don't you dare scroll to the bottom...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some scroll text...<br><br> some
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<div class="demo">


.demo {
overflow-y: scroll;

.demo {
scrollbar-color: red yellow;
scrollbar-width: 5px;

在这里,我已经尝试了所有主要浏览器的CSS &测试:自定义颜色在滚动条上工作良好。


/* Only Chrome */
html::-webkit-scrollbar {width: 17px;}
html::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {background-color: #0064a7; background-clip: padding-box; border: 1px solid #8ea5b5;}
html::-webkit-scrollbar-track {background-color: #8ea5b5; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-button {background-color: #8ea5b5;}
/* Only IE */
html {scrollbar-face-color: #0064a7; scrollbar-shadow-color: #8ea5b5; scrollbar-highlight-color: #8ea5b5;}
/* Only FireFox */
html {scrollbar-color: #0064a7 #8ea5b5;}
/* View Scrollbar */
html {overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x: hidden;}
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" class="no-js">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<div id="logo"><img src="/logo.png">HTML5&nbsp;Layout</div>
<li><a href="/">Home</a>
<li><a href="https://html-css-js.com/">HTML</a>
<li><a href="https://html-css-js.com/css/code/">CSS</a>
<li><a href="https://htmlcheatsheet.com/js/">JS</a>
<strong>Demonstration of a simple page layout using HTML5 tags: header, nav, section, main, article, aside, footer, address.</strong>
<section id="pageContent">
<main role="main">
<h2>Stet facilis ius te</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nonumes voluptatum mel ea, cu case ceteros cum. Novum commodo malorum vix ut. Dolores consequuntur in ius, sale electram dissentiunt quo te. Cu duo omnes invidunt, eos eu mucius fabellas. Stet facilis ius te, quando voluptatibus eos in. Ad vix mundi alterum, integre urbanitas intellegam vix in.</p>
<h2>Illud mollis moderatius</h2>
<p>Eum facete intellegat ei, ut mazim melius usu. Has elit simul primis ne, regione minimum id cum. Sea deleniti dissentiet ea. Illud mollis moderatius ut per, at qui ubique populo. Eum ad cibo legimus, vim ei quidam fastidii.</p>
<h2>Ex ignota epicurei quo</h2>
<p>Quo debet vivendo ex. Qui ut admodum senserit partiendo. Id adipiscing disputando eam, sea id magna pertinax concludaturque. Ex ignota epicurei quo, his ex doctus delenit fabellas, erat timeam cotidieque sit in. Vel eu soleat voluptatibus, cum cu exerci mediocritatem. Malis legere at per, has brute putant animal et, in consul utamur usu.</p>
<h2>His at autem inani volutpat</h2>
<p>Te has amet modo perfecto, te eum mucius conclusionemque, mel te erat deterruisset. Duo ceteros phaedrum id, ornatus postulant in sea. His at autem inani volutpat. Tollit possit in pri, platonem persecuti ad vix, vel nisl albucius gloriatur no.</p>
<div>Sidebar 1</div>
<div>Sidebar 2</div>
<div>Sidebar 3</div>
<p>&copy; You can copy, edit and publish this template but please leave a link to our website | <a href="https://html5-templates.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">HTML5 Templates</a></p>
Contact: <a href="mailto:me@example.com">Mail me</a>



< p >关键字的值 scrollbar-width: |汽车|薄没有;< / p > < p >全球价值观 scrollbar-width:继承初始| |回复| revert-layer; scrollbar-width:设置;< / p >

Firefox 84于2020年12月15日发布。已删除的属性如下:

删除了专有的-moz-default-appearance属性值scrollbar-small(使用scrollbar-width: thin代替)和scrollbar(仅macOS;scrollbar-horizontal和scrollbar-vertical被使用)(错误1673132)。



:root {
scrollbar-color: #333333 #999999 !important;
scrollbar-width: thin !important;

#ClassName {
scrollbar-color: #333333 #999999 !important;
scrollbar-width: thin !important;

< >强引用: LINK 1 链接2 < / p >


scrollbar-color: #F8F8F8 // Add your color
scroll-bar-width: thin/auto/none



scrollbar-width: 0px;
scrollbar-width: none;}

::-webkit-scrollbar {
height: 0;  /* Remove scrollbar space */
background: transparent;
/* Optional: just make scrollbar invisible */





html {
/* For Firefox */
overflow-y: scroll;
scrollbar-color: #008de4 #0d3b97;
scrollbar-width: thin;

/* For Chrome and other browsers except Firefox */
body::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0.5em;
background-color: #0d3b97;
body::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #008de4;
<body style="height: 600px"></body>





在firefox (截至2022年1月)中:

< span style=" font - family:宋体;">属性(不是伪元素!) < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / th > < span style=" font - family:宋体;"< / th > >允许值 < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> scrollbar-width td > < / < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;">thin(实际上非常薄) < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;">auto(标准厚版本) < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;">none(隐藏滚动条) . > < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> scrollbar-color td > < / < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> < / td > < span style=" font - family:宋体;"> color color td > < /

你必须设置两个颜色值,第一个滚动条拇指第二,滚动条背景它取任何正常的颜色值,使用像"black"这样的名称,像"#000000"这样的十六进制值,像"rgb(0,0,0)这样的函数,以及像" var(——先前定义的black)"这样的变量。 但是它不采用线性梯度作为输入,既不正常也不通过css变量。 顺便说一下,属性的顺序并不重要

这适用于Wordpress Guys自定义CSS

/* Fire-Fox Scrollbar */
scrollbar-face-color: rgb(176, 88, 54); /* Firefox 63 compatibility */
scrollbar-track-color: rgb(51, 62, 72); /* Firefox 63 compatibility */
scrollbar-color: rgb(176, 88, 54) rgb(51, 62, 72);
scrollbar-width: auto;


.mat-tab-header {
overflow-x: scroll !important;
// For Firefox
scrollbar-color: transparent transparent;
border-bottom: none;

.mat-tab-header::-webkit-scrollbar { // TO Remove horizontal scrollbar in tabs
display: none !important;