The extra work is probably not worth it, unless you really really need efficiency. You probably will have much better efficiency simply by using operator += instead.
STL 字符串类的效率取决于您正在使用的 STL 的实现。
您可以自己通过 c 内置函数手动进行连接,从而实现 保证效率和 有更大的控制权。
返回文章页面为什么 + 运营商效率低下:
template <class charT, class traits, class Alloc>
basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>
operator+(const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& s1,
const basic_string<charT, traits, Alloc>& s2)
But I agree with the sentiment that you should probably just keep it maintainable and understandable and then profile to see if you are really having problems.
Unlike .NET System.Strings, C++'s std::strings are mutable, and therefore can be built through simple concatenation just as fast as through other methods.
std::stringappend and operator+= on the other hand, bump the capacity by 50% every time the string needs to grow. Which reduces the number of memory allocations and copy operations significantly, O(log n).
template<typename... Args>
std::string concat(Args const&... args)
size_t len = 0;
for (auto s : {args...}) len += strlen(s);
std::string result;
result.reserve(len); // <--- preallocate result
for (auto s : {args...}) result += s;
return result;
std::string merged = concat("This ", "is ", "a ", "test!");
n iter = 10
n parts = 10000000
total string result length = 70000000
Boost join: 00:00:02.105006
std::string append (Reserve): 00:00:00.485498
std::string append (simple): 00:00:00.679999
Note: times are cumulative sums over all iterations.
n iter = 100
n parts = 1000000
total string result length = 6000000
Boost join: 00:00:01.953999
std::string append (Reserve): 00:00:00.535502
std::string append (simple): 00:00:00.679002
Note: times are cumulative sums over all iterations.