

我的用户点击一些小发明,一个 PDF 文件被吐出到他的桌面上。有没有什么办法可以让我把这个文件发送到打印机队列,然后把它打印到本地连接的打印机上?

string filePath = "filepathisalreadysethere";
SendToPrinter(filePath); //Something like this?

这个过程他会做很多次。每个学生在教室里都要打印一张小的成绩单。所以我为每个学生生成了一个 PDF 文件,我想让打印过程自动化,而不是让用户生成 PDF 文件,打印,生成 PDF 文件,打印,生成 PDF 文件,打印。

对于如何实现这一点有什么建议吗? 我正在使用 WindowsForms.NET4运行 WindowsXP。

我发现这个 StackOverflow 堆栈溢出问题的答案是:

一旦您创建了文件,您 可以通过命令行打印它们(您 中找到的 Command 类 的 System.Diagnostics 命名空间 )


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System.Diagnostics.Process.Start can be used to print a document. Set UseShellExecute to True and set the Verb to "print".

You can tell Acrobat Reader to print the file using (as someone's already mentioned here) the 'print' verb. You will need to close Acrobat Reader programmatically after that, too:

private void SendToPrinter()
ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
info.Verb = "print";
info.FileName = @"c:\output.pdf";
info.CreateNoWindow = true;
info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = info;

if (false == p.CloseMainWindow())

This opens Acrobat Reader and tells it to send the PDF to the default printer, and then shuts down Acrobat after three seconds.

If you are willing to ship other products with your application then you could use GhostScript (free), or a command-line PDF printer such as http://www.commandlinepdf.com/ (commercial).

Note: the sample code opens the PDF in the application current registered to print PDFs, which is the Adobe Acrobat Reader on most people's machines. However, it is possible that they use a different PDF viewer such as Foxit (http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader/). The sample code should still work, though.

This is a slightly modified solution. The Process will be killed when it was idle for at least 1 second. Maybe you should add a timeof of X seconds and call the function from a separate thread.

private void SendToPrinter()
ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo();
info.Verb = "print";
info.FileName = @"c:\output.pdf";
info.CreateNoWindow = true;
info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = info;

long ticks = -1;
while (ticks != p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks)
ticks = p.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks;

if (false == p.CloseMainWindow())

I know the tag says Windows Forms... but, if anyone is interested in a WPF application method, System.Printing works like a charm.

var file = File.ReadAllBytes(pdfFilePath);
var printQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

using (var job = printQueue.AddJob())
using (var stream = job.JobStream)
stream.Write(file, 0, file.Length);

Just remember to include System.Printing reference, if it's not already included. Now, this method does not play well with ASP.NET or Windows Service. It should not be used with Windows Forms, as it has System.Drawing.Printing. I don't have a single issue with my PDF printing using the above code.

I should mention, however, that if your printer does not support Direct Print for PDF file format, you're out of luck with this method.

The easy way:

var pi=new ProcessStartInfo("C:\file.docx");
pi.UseShellExecute = true;
pi.Verb = "print";
var process =  System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pi);

this is a late answer, but you could also use the File.Copy method of the System.IO namespace top send a file to the printer:

System.IO.File.Copy(filename, printerName);

This works fine

I know Edwin answered it above but his only prints one document. I use this code to print all files from a given directory.

public void PrintAllFiles()
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo info = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
info.Verb = "print";
System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
//Load Files in Selected Folder
string[] allFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Directory);
foreach (string file in allFiles)
info.FileName = @file;
info.CreateNoWindow = true;
info.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
p.StartInfo = info;
//p.Kill(); Can Create A Kill Statement Here... but I found I don't need one
MessageBox.Show("Print Complete");

It essentually cycles through each file in the given directory variable Directory - > for me it was @"C:\Users\Owner\Documents\SalesVaultTesting\" and prints off those files to your default printer.

Adding a new answer to this as the question of printing PDF's in .net has been around for a long time and most of the answers pre-date the Google Pdfium library, which now has a .net wrapper. For me I was researching this problem myself and kept coming up blank, trying to do hacky solutions like spawning Acrobat or other PDF readers, or running into commercial libraries that are expensive and have not very compatible licensing terms. But the Google Pdfium library and the PdfiumViewer .net wrapper are Open Source so are a great solution for a lot of developers, myself included. PdfiumViewer is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

You can get the NuGet package here:


and you can find the source code here:


Here is some simple code that will silently print any number of copies of a PDF file from it's filename. You can load PDF's from a stream also (which is how we normally do it), and you can easily figure that out looking at the code or examples. There is also a WinForm PDF file view so you can also render the PDF files into a view or do print preview on them. For us I simply needed a way to silently print the PDF file to a specific printer on demand.

public bool PrintPDF(
string printer,
string paperName,
string filename,
int copies)
try {
// Create the printer settings for our printer
var printerSettings = new PrinterSettings {
PrinterName = printer,
Copies = (short)copies,

// Create our page settings for the paper size selected
var pageSettings = new PageSettings(printerSettings) {
Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0),
foreach (PaperSize paperSize in printerSettings.PaperSizes) {
if (paperSize.PaperName == paperName) {
pageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;

// Now print the PDF document
using (var document = PdfDocument.Load(filename)) {
using (var printDocument = document.CreatePrintDocument()) {
printDocument.PrinterSettings = printerSettings;
printDocument.DefaultPageSettings = pageSettings;
printDocument.PrintController = new StandardPrintController();
return true;
} catch {
return false;

The following code snippet is an adaptation of Kendall Bennett's code for printing pdf files using the PdfiumViewer library. The main difference is that a Stream is used rather than a file.

public bool PrintPDF(
string printer,
string paperName,
int copies, Stream stream)
// Create the printer settings for our printer
var printerSettings = new PrinterSettings
PrinterName = printer,
Copies = (short)copies,

// Create our page settings for the paper size selected
var pageSettings = new PageSettings(printerSettings)
Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0),
foreach (PaperSize paperSize in printerSettings.PaperSizes)
if (paperSize.PaperName == paperName)
pageSettings.PaperSize = paperSize;

// Now print the PDF document
using (var document = PdfiumViewer.PdfDocument.Load(stream))
using (var printDocument = document.CreatePrintDocument())
printDocument.PrinterSettings = printerSettings;
printDocument.DefaultPageSettings = pageSettings;
printDocument.PrintController = new StandardPrintController();
return true;
catch (System.Exception e)
return false;

In my case I am generating the PDF file using a library called PdfSharp and then saving the document to a Stream like so:

PdfDocument pdf = PdfGenerator.GeneratePdf(printRequest.html, PageSize.A4);

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(stream.ToArray());

One thing that I want to point out that might be helpful to other developers is that I had to install the 32 bit version of the Pdfium native DLL in order for the printing to work even though I am running Windows 10 64 bit. I installed the following two NuGet packages using the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio:

  • PdfiumViewer
  • PdfiumViewer.Native.x86.v8-xfa

You can use the DevExpress PdfDocumentProcessor.Print(PdfPrinterSettings) Method.

public void Print(string pdfFilePath)
if (!File.Exists(pdfFilePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("No such file exists!", pdfFilePath);

// Create a Pdf Document Processor instance and load a PDF into it.
PdfDocumentProcessor documentProcessor = new PdfDocumentProcessor();

if (documentProcessor != null)
PrinterSettings settings = new PrinterSettings();

//var paperSizes = settings.PaperSizes.Cast<PaperSize>().ToList();
//PaperSize sizeCustom = paperSizes.FirstOrDefault<PaperSize>(size => size.Kind == PaperKind.Custom); // finding paper size

settings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = new PaperSize("Label", 400, 600);

// Print pdf
    public static void PrintFileToDefaultPrinter(string FilePath)
var file = File.ReadAllBytes(FilePath);
var printQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

using (var job = printQueue.AddJob())
using (var stream = job.JobStream)
stream.Write(file, 0, file.Length);
catch (Exception)
