spl_autoload_register( function ($class_name) {
$CLASSES_DIR = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'classes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // or whatever your directory is
$file = $CLASSES_DIR . $class_name . '.php';
if( file_exists( $file ) ) include $file; // only include if file exists, otherwise we might enter some conflicts with other pieces of code which are also using the spl_autoload_register function
} );
function import_folder_vars(string $dirname): array {
$vars = [];
foreach (glob("{$dirname}/*.php") as $file) {
// If you want to combine them into one array:
$vars = array_merge($vars, load_vars($file));
// If you want to group them by file:
// $vars[$file] = load_vars($file);
return $vars;