If none of the other answers work for you, make sure it's not your terminal limit. For example VS Code only keeps 5000 lines in buffer. Try Mac OS terminal.
Also be sure your terminal allows you to scroll back that far. In iTerm2, I had my "Scrollback lines" set to 1000. Changed it to "Unlimited scrollback" and how life is good iTerm2:
You can use Jest Preview (https://github.com/nvh95/jest-preview) to view your app UI when testing in a browser, instead of HTML in the terminal, just by 2 lines of code:
import { debug } from 'jest-preview';
describe('App', () => {
it('should work as expected', () => {
render(<App />);
It works great with jest and react-testing-library.
By default RTL doesn't show comments, <script /> and <style /> tags. In my case I needed to test for a commented node in the DOM.
If you want your tests to include all the nodes, you can use prettyDOM like this:
// render DOM with a commented node
const html = {__html: '<!--this is a commented DOM element-->'};
const element = <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={html} />;
const { container } = render(element);
// This is what tells RLT to print all nodes!
const prettyfiedDOM = prettyDOM(container, undefined, { filterNode: () => true}) || '';
expect(prettyfiedDOM.includes('<!--this is a commented DOM element-->')).toBeTruthy();
Notice that the filterNode function always returns true, which tells RTL to print all DOM nodes, and hence you can test comments, styles, tags, etc. You can read more on prettyDOM source code and configure your desired behavior of DOM filtering.
Since the DOM size can get really large, you can set the limit of DOM content to be printed via environment variable DEBUG_PRINT_LIMIT. The default value is 7000. You will see ... in the console, when the DOM content is stripped off, because of the length you have set or due to default size limit. Here's how you might increase this limit when running tests: