GoLand (JetBrains) shows error message "Unresolved Reference". But Code compiles and runs

I am writing a project using the Go language with GoLand IDE by Jetbrains.

While writing the code, GoLand shows me an error message such as "unresolved reference" when the reference do exist and that the program compiles and runs correctly.

Here is a similar (but simpler) example of some code that I have found here on stackoverflow (Go - append to slice in struct) to reproduce this issue.

The same error message appears even though I have implemented the methods just a few lines above.

package main

import (

type MyBoxItem struct {
Name string

type MyBox struct {
Items []MyBoxItem

func (box *MyBox) AddItem(item MyBoxItem) {
box.Items = append(box.Items, item)

func main() {

item1 := MyBoxItem{Name: "Test Item 1"}
item2 := MyBoxItem{Name: "Test Item 2"}

box := MyBox{}


// checking the output

box.AddItem(item1) and box.AddItem(item2) are marked red as an error. If I move my cursor above it, it says unresolved reference "AddItem". Yet the code compiles and runs. And as this was the solution to an other stackoverflow question, I do not think that the code is wrong. Furthermore I cannot find any mistakes in it.

enter image description here

[EDIT: I load the code from a remote server and edit it locally on my private pc. After finishing my changes, I upload it to the remote server (using GoLands tools like "Browse remote host") and build and compile it there. After trying it out locally with the very same code, the error message sometimes is there and sometimes not. I am totally confused]

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I cannot reproduce the issue in GoLand 2020.2. I suggest upgrading to it.

If that doesn't fix the issue then you can take the following steps to investigate the issue:

  • Is your project using Go modules or the traditional GOPATH?
  • If it's using GOPATH, have you enabled indexing of GOPATH under Settings/Preferences | Go | GOPATH?
  • If it's using Go modules, check to see that the support is enabled under Settings/Preferences | Go | Go Modules and then use Alt+Enter | Sync packages of‍‍ <project>

I had the same problem and it got fix weirdly.So I installed and opened project in vscode in order to continue coding.It started installing a extension called gopls. After installation completed I returned to GoLand to close project, but I waited for indexing to complete.Suddenly references were green !

I experienced a similar issue, but it was a lot more prevalent. Even things like fmt.Printf() were showing as unresolved. Was able to resolve the issue by going to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart.

I'm using go module and it's solved by:

  • Deselect Preferences->Go->GOPATH->Use GOPATH that's defined in system environment
  • File->Invalidate caches / Restart

Today I faced that problem I fixed it to enable go module integration. For that Settings -> Go -> Go modules then enable go modules integration. This will work if you using go modules in your project.

No option from other comments helped me. I had to switch GO SDK version in Setting -> Go -> GOROOT. Goland automatically downloaded 1.16 beta 1 version and it worked.

I just removed the project from Goland and re-create it from existing files. It was weird but it worked.

Goland version 2020.1: I opened a folder with subfolders of golang projects and goland didn't recognize dependencies. I solved this problem setting Project GOPATH

  1. ctrl + alt + s
  2. Go > GOPATH
  3. Click on plus button + In Project GOPATH
  4. Add your golang's project folder, example: ~/projects/my-golang-projects

In Goland preferences, if you're using the Global GOPATH, check the option "Index entire GOPATH" and hit apply.

I solved it by reinstall Go to D:\go, then reset Go sdk.

I'm a bit late to the answer lol but incase anyone is still running into this, all I did was delete the .idea file and reloaded the project on GoLand (by clicking File -> Open -> file location). Did the trick for me.

I faced the same issue when I do bazel run //:gazelle, I fixed this issue by doing bazel sync (Bazel -> Sync -> Sync Project with BUILD Files). But you should have the below settings. GOPATH Setup Go Module Setup

(This fix is for Goland IDE, Mac. Of course we should add GOPATH in .bash_profile or .zshrc)

I found best way to fix this issue.

  1. close your project and IDE
  2. go to your project directory
  3. remove ./.idea
  4. try to open it again

woops woops, fixed

Edit : better way try to use this one in Goland Menu
file -> repair IDE it will be refresh index module

I had a similar issue for gin.WrapH function utils.go. Tried the Override File Type option for utils.go in local module path which changed the file as a Go file but had a little cross sign where a tooltip marked that the file is excluded from compilation. The error Unresolved reference only went away when I selected the file, navigated to File -> File Properties -> Associate with File Type -> Register new file type association, and chose Go files

I had the same issue, I did try invalidates cache, but that did not work.

But the thing worked is just add a below line in your idea.properties file. And then restart IDE.

# custom GoLand properties (expand/override 'bin/idea.properties')

This is because, Goland does not index huge packages. But you can force it to do that.

For me the issue was the version of Golang, I had been using go1.19 which threw unreferenced errors with .Close methods, switching back to an older version go16.15 helped me resolve this issue.

I had the same issue with aws go sdk, changing the Custom Properties (Help -> Edit Custom Properties) helped me. here is the reference to the JetBrains thread https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/GO-5029


Restart the IDE to let the changes take effect.

I had been using go1.19 which threw unreferenced errors with .Close methods. I download the GoLand 2022.2.4 package and install, issue has been solved.

In my case, I fixed it by running go mod tidy in the console.

In my case go mod was 1.18 and IDE indexed my project with 1.19. At Preferences -> GOROOT I selected Go 1.18 and problem solved.