将 Python 命名元组序列化为 json

namedtuple序列化为 json 并保留字段名的推荐方法是什么?

namedtuple序列化为 json 只会导致序列化值和字段名在转换中丢失。我希望在 json 化时也保留这些字段,因此执行了以下操作:

class foobar(namedtuple('f', 'foo, bar')):
__slots__ = ()
def __iter__(self):
yield self._asdict()

上面的代码按照我的预期序列化为 json,并且在我使用的其他地方(属性访问等等)表现为 namedtuple,除了在迭代非元组结果时(这对我的用例来说很好)。

在保留字段名的情况下转换为 json 的“正确方法”是什么?

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This is pretty tricky, since namedtuple() is a factory which returns a new type derived from tuple. One approach would be to have your class also inherit from UserDict.DictMixin, but tuple.__getitem__ is already defined and expects an integer denoting the position of the element, not the name of its attribute:

>>> f = foobar('a', 1)
>>> f[0]

At its heart the namedtuple is an odd fit for JSON, since it is really a custom-built type whose key names are fixed as part of the type definition, unlike a dictionary where key names are stored inside the instance. This prevents you from "round-tripping" a namedtuple, e.g. you cannot decode a dictionary back into a namedtuple without some other a piece of information, like an app-specific type marker in the dict {'a': 1, '#_type': 'foobar'}, which is a bit hacky.

This is not ideal, but if you only need to encode namedtuples into dictionaries, another approach is to extend or modify your JSON encoder to special-case these types. Here is an example of subclassing the Python json.JSONEncoder. This tackles the problem of ensuring that nested namedtuples are properly converted to dictionaries:

from collections import namedtuple
from json import JSONEncoder

class MyEncoder(JSONEncoder):

def _iterencode(self, obj, markers=None):
if isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_asdict'):
gen = self._iterencode_dict(obj._asdict(), markers)
gen = JSONEncoder._iterencode(self, obj, markers)
for chunk in gen:
yield chunk

class foobar(namedtuple('f', 'foo, bar')):

enc = MyEncoder()
for obj in (foobar('a', 1), ('a', 1), {'outer': foobar('x', 'y')}):
print enc.encode(obj)

{"foo": "a", "bar": 1}
["a", 1]
{"outer": {"foo": "x", "bar": "y"}}

It looks like you used to be able to subclass simplejson.JSONEncoder to make this work, but with the latest simplejson code, that is no longer the case: you have to actually modify the project code. I see no reason why simplejson should not support namedtuples, so I forked the project, added namedtuple support, and I'm currently waiting for my branch to be pulled back into the main project. If you need the fixes now, just pull from my fork.

EDIT: Looks like the latest versions of simplejson now natively support this with the namedtuple_as_object option, which defaults to True.

If it's just one namedtuple you're looking to serialize, using its _asdict() method will work (with Python >= 2.7)

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> import json
>>> FB = namedtuple("FB", ("foo", "bar"))
>>> fb = FB(123, 456)
>>> json.dumps(fb._asdict())
'{"foo": 123, "bar": 456}'

It recursively converts the namedTuple data to json.

## Message(id=2, agent=Agent(id=1, first_name='asd', last_name='asd', mail='2@mai.com'), customer=Customer(id=1, first_name='asd', last_name='asd', mail='2@mai.com', phone_number=123123), type='image', content='text', media_url='h.com', la=123123, ls=4512313)

def reqursive_to_json(obj):
_json = {}

if isinstance(obj, tuple):
datas = obj._asdict()
for data in datas:
if isinstance(datas[data], tuple):
_json[data] = (reqursive_to_json(datas[data]))
_json[data] = (datas[data])
return _json

data = reqursive_to_json(m1)
{'agent': {'first_name': 'asd',
'last_name': 'asd',
'mail': '2@mai.com',
'id': 1},
'content': 'text',
'customer': {'first_name': 'asd',
'last_name': 'asd',
'mail': '2@mai.com',
'phone_number': 123123,
'id': 1},
'id': 2,
'la': 123123,
'ls': 4512313,
'media_url': 'h.com',
'type': 'image'}

I wrote a library for doing this: https://github.com/ltworf/typedload

It can go from and to named-tuple and back.

It supports quite complicated nested structures, with lists, sets, enums, unions, default values. It should cover most common cases.

edit: The library also supports dataclass and attr classes.

There is a more convenient solution is to use the decorator (it uses the protected field _fields).

Python 2.7+:

import json
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict

def json_serializable(cls):
def as_dict(self):
yield OrderedDict(
(name, value) for name, value in zip(
iter(super(cls, self).__iter__())))
cls.__iter__ = as_dict
return cls


C = json_serializable(namedtuple('C', 'a b c'))
print json.dumps(C('abc', True, 3.14))

# or

class D(namedtuple('D', 'a b c')):

print json.dumps(D('abc', True, 3.14))

Python 3.6.6+:

import json
from typing import TupleName

def json_serializable(cls):
def as_dict(self):
yield {name: value for name, value in zip(
iter(super(cls, self).__iter__()))}
cls.__iter__ = as_dict
return cls

# Usage:

class C(NamedTuple):
a: str
b: bool
c: float

print(json.dumps(C('abc', True, 3.14))

This is an old question. However:

A suggestion for all those with the same question, think carefully about using any of the private or internal features of the NamedTuple because they have before and will change again over time.

For example, if your NamedTuple is a flat value object and you're only interested in serializing it and not in cases where it is nested into another object, you could avoid the troubles that would come up with __dict__ being removed or _as_dict() changing and just do something like (and yes this is Python 3 because this answer is for the present):

from typing import NamedTuple

class ApiListRequest(NamedTuple):
group: str="default"
filter: str="*"

def to_dict(self):
return {
'group': self.group,
'filter': self.filter,

def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())

I tried to use the default callable kwarg to dumps in order to do the to_dict() call if available, but that didn't get called as the NamedTuple is convertible to a list.

The jsonplus library provides a serializer for NamedTuple instances. Use its compatibility mode to output simple objects if needed, but prefer the default as it is helpful for decoding back.

Here is my take on the problem. It serializes the NamedTuple, takes care of folded NamedTuples and Lists inside of them

def recursive_to_dict(obj: Any) -> dict:
_dict = {}

if isinstance(obj, tuple):
node = obj._asdict()
for item in node:
if isinstance(node[item], list): # Process as a list
_dict[item] = [recursive_to_dict(x) for x in (node[item])]
elif getattr(node[item], "_asdict", False): # Process as a NamedTuple
_dict[item] = recursive_to_dict(node[item])
else: # Process as a regular element
_dict[item] = (node[item])
return _dict

It's impossible to serialize namedtuples correctly with the native python json library. It will always see tuples as lists, and it is impossible to override the default serializer to change this behaviour. It's worse if objects are nested.

Better to use a more robust library like orjson:

import orjson
from typing import NamedTuple

class Rectangle(NamedTuple):
width: int
height: int

def default(obj):
if hasattr(obj, '_asdict'):
return obj._asdict()

rectangle = Rectangle(width=10, height=20)
print(orjson.dumps(rectangle, default=default))



simplejson.dump() instead of json.dump does the job. It may be slower though.