Class with too many parameters: better design strategy?

I am working with models of neurons. One class I am designing is a cell class which is a topological description of a neuron (several compartments connected together). It has many parameters but they are all relevant, for example:

number of axon segments, apical bifibrications, somatic length, somatic diameter, apical length, branching randomness, branching length and so on and so on... there are about 15 parameters in total!

I can set all these to some default value but my class looks crazy with several lines for parameters. This kind of thing must happen occasionally to other people too, is there some obvious better way to design this or am I doing the right thing?

UPDATE: As some of you have asked I have attached my code for the class, as you can see this class has a huge number of parameters (>15) but they are all used and are necessary to define the topology of a cell. The problem essentially is that the physical object they create is very complex. I have attached an image representation of objects produced by this class. How would experienced programmers do this differently to avoid so many parameters in the definition?

enter image description here

class LayerV(__Cell):

def __init__(self,somatic_dendrites=10,oblique_dendrites=10,

import random
import math

#make main the regions:



#make the somatic denrites


#make oblique dendrites:


#connect axon to soma:

#connect apical dendrite to soma:

#connect oblique dendrites to apical first section:
for dendrite in oblique_dends:
apical_location=math.exp(-5*random.random()) #for now connecting randomly but need to do this on some linspace

#connect dendrites to soma:
for dend in somatic_dends:
soma.connect(dendsec,region_end=random.random()) #for now connecting randomly but need to do this on some linspace

#assign public sections
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You could create a class for your parameters.

Instead passing a bunch of parameters, you pass one class.

You could perhaps use a Python"dict" object ?

UPDATE: This approach may be suited in your specific case, but it definitely has its downsides, see is kwargs an antipattern?

Try this approach:

class Neuron(object):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
prop_defaults = {
"num_axon_segments": 0,
"apical_bifibrications": "fancy default",

for (prop, default) in prop_defaults.iteritems():
setattr(self, prop, kwargs.get(prop, default))

You can then create a Neuron like this:

n = Neuron(apical_bifibrications="special value")

I'd say there is nothing wrong with this approach - if you need 15 parameters to model something, you need 15 parameters. And if there's no suitable default value, you have to pass in all 15 parameters when creating an object. Otherwise, you could just set the default and change it later via a setter or directly.

Another approach is to create subclasses for certain common kinds of neurons (in your example) and provide good defaults for certain values, or derive the values from other parameters.

Or you could encapsulate parts of the neuron in separate classes and reuse these parts for the actual neurons you model. I.e., you could write separate classes for modeling a synapse, an axon, the soma, etc.

could you supply some example code of what you are working on? It would help to get an idea of what you are doing and get help to you sooner.

If it's just the arguments you are passing to the class that make it long, you don't have to put it all in __init__. You can set the parameters after you create the class, or pass a dictionary/class full of the parameters as an argument.

class MyClass(object):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
arg1 = None
arg2 = None
arg3 = None

for (key, value) in kwargs.iteritems():
if hasattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, value)

if __name__ == "__main__":

a_class = MyClass()
a_class.arg1 = "A string"
a_class.arg2 = 105
a_class.arg3 = ["List", 100, 50.4]

b_class = MyClass(arg1 = "Astring", arg2 = 105, arg3 = ["List", 100, 50.4])

Can you give a more detailed use case ? Maybe a prototype pattern will work:

If there are some similarities in groups of objects, a prototype pattern might help. Do you have a lot of cases where one population of neurons is just like another except different in some way ? ( i.e. rather than having a small number of discrete classes, you have a large number of classes that slightly differ from each other. )

Python is a classed based language, but just as you can simulate class based programming in a prototype based language like Javascript, you can simulate prototypes by giving your class a CLONE method, that creates a new object and populates its ivars from the parent. Write the clone method so that keyword parameters passed to it override the "inherited" parameters, so you can call it with something like:

new_neuron = old_neuron.clone( branching_length=n1, branching_randomness=r2 )

Having so many parameters suggests that the class is probably doing too many things.

I suggest that you want to divide your class into several classes, each of which take some of your parameters. That way each class is simpler and won't take so many parameters.

Without knowing more about your code, I can't say exactly how you should split it up.

I have never had to deal with this situation, or this topic. Your description implies to me that you may find, as you develop the design, that there are a number of additional classes that will become relevant - compartment is the most obvious. If these do emerge as classes in their own right, it is probable that some of your parameters become parameters of these additional classes.

After looking over your code and realizing I have no idea how any of those parameters relate to each other (soley because of my lack of knowledge on the subject of neuroscience) I would point you to a very good book on object oriented design. Building Skills in Object Oriented Design by Steven F. Lott is an excellent read and I think would help you, and anyone else in laying out object oriented programs.

It is released under the Creative Commons License, so is free for you to use, here is a link of it in PDF format

I think your problem boils down to the overall design of your classes. Sometimes, though very rarely, you need a whole lot of arguments to initialize, and most of the responses here have detailed other ways of initialization, but in a lot of cases you can break the class up into more easier to handle and less cumbersome classes.

This is similar to the other solutions that iterate through a default dictionary, but it uses a more compact notation:

class MyClass(object):

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
), **kwargs)

Looks like you could cut down the number of arguments by constructing objects such as Axon, Soma and DendriticTree outside of the LayerV constructor, and passing those objects instead.

Some of the parameters are only used in constructing e.g. DendriticTree, others are used in other places as well, so the problem it's not as clear cut, but I would definitely try that approach.

In my opinion, in your case the easy solution is to pass higher order objects as parameter.

For example, in your __init__ you have a DendriticTree that uses several arguments from your main class LayerV:

main_apical_dendrite = DendriticTree(

Instead of passing these 6 arguments to your LayerV you would pass the DendriticTree object directly (thus saving 5 arguments).

You probably want to have this values accessible everywhere, therefore you will have to save this DendriticTree:

class LayerV(__Cell):
def __init__(self, main_apical_dendrite, ...):
self.main_apical_dendrite = main_apical_dendrite

If you want to have a default value too, you can have:

class LayerV(__Cell):
def __init__(self, main_apical_dendrite=None, ...):
self.main_apical_dendrite = main_apical_dendrite or DendriticTree()

This way you delegate what the default DendriticTree should be to the class dedicated to that matter instead of having this logic in the higher order class that LayerV.

Finally, when you need to access the apical_bifibs you used to pass to LayerV you just access it via self.main_apical_dendrite.bifibs.

In general, even if the class you are creating is not a clear composition of several classes, your goal is to find a logical way to split your parameters. Not only to make your code cleaner, but mostly to help people understand what these parameter will be used for. In the extreme cases where you can't split them, I think it's totally ok to have a class with that many parameters. If there is no clear way to split arguments, then you'll probably end up with something even less clear than a list of 15 arguments.

If you feel like creating a class to group parameters together is overkill, then you can simply use collections.namedtuple which can have default values as shown here.

Want to reiterate what a number of people have said. Theres nothing wrong with that amount of parameters. Especially when it comes to scientific computing/programming

Take for example, sklearn's KMeans++ clustering implementation which has 11 parameters you can init with. Like that, there are numerous examples and nothing wrong with them

I would say there is nothing wrong if make sure you need those params. If you really wanna make it more readable I would recommend following style.
I wouldn't say that a best practice or what, it just make others easily know what is necessary for this Object and what is option.

class LayerV(__Cell):
# author: {name, url} who made this info
def __init__(self, no_default_params, some_necessary_params):
self.necessary_param = some_necessary_params
self.no_default_param = no_default_params
self.something_else = "default"
self.some_option = "default"

def b_option(self, value):
self.some_option = value
return self

def b_else(self, value):
self.something_else = value
return self

I think the benefit for this style is:

  1. You can easily know the params which is necessary in __init__ method
  2. Unlike setter, you don't need two lines to construct the object if you need set an option value.

The disadvantage is, you created more methods in your class than before.

sample: la = LayerV("no_default", "necessary").b_else("sample_else")
After all, if you have a lot of "necessary" and "no_default" params, always think about is this class(method) do too many things.
If your answer is not, just go ahead.