"Call to undefined function str_slug()" in Laravel 6.0

I've upgraded my laravel 5.8 project to 6.0. It has upgraded successfully but when I'm trying to run the project or installing another package to my project it is giving me error named as "Call to undefined function str_slug()" in session.php. I don't know why....

Call to undefined function str_slug()

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If you have gone through the upgrade guide then you must know that

String and Array Helpers have been removed from Core Framework

So if if You need to still use the helper install the package

composer require laravel/helpers

and all the helpers are moved to this package

String and Array helpers are removed from laravel 6.0 Core Framework


So if You need to still use the helper install the package

composer require laravel/helpers

Or you can use by Laravel facade

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
$slug = Str::slug('Laravel 5 Framework', '-');

Personal I hard to do the following on Laravel 6 on the app Controllers add this use Illuminate\Support\Str; then something like this 'slug' => Str::slug($request->title)

There are two options to resolve the issue of call to undefined function str_slug().

1.You should run the command composer require laravel/helpers

Or another option is when you don't want to install packages then this below solution is the easy way to solve your issue and it is the best way.

2.You can use facades class

use Illuminate\Support\Str;

public function index(Request $request)
$slug = Str::slug($request->name);

composer require laravel/helpers

php artisan optimize:clear

$post = Post::create([ 'slug' => S t r::slug($request->title), here we go