This category is mainly used for implicit intents. If your activity wishes to be started by an implicit intent it should include this catetory in its filter.
I think the term "default" should be understood as "default 候选人". If the action on a piece of data resolves to multiple activities, then Android will present all candidates to the user and the user can select his preferred default.
Categories are used for implicit Intents. So, If your Activity can be started by an implicit Intent when no other specific category is assigned to activity, activity's Intent filter should include this category. (even if you have other categories in the Intent filter). If you are sure that your activity 必须的 be called with any other Category, don't use the Default.
将类别设置为默认值并不意味着在应用程序启动时默认使用该活动。活动只是对系统说“ 哦,我可以开始,即使启动意图的类别被设置为 < em > Nothing !”