我希望像 phpMyAdmin 一样可视化地查看和编辑 PostgreSQL 的表,在这里您可以看到表的列表、字段和表的单独行。有没有什么实用工具可以做到这一点?
如果这在 pgAdmin III 中是可能的,请原谅我,但是我不能找到任何方法在 pgAdmin 中可视化地查看表。我有 PostgreSQL 8.4(实际上不是我自己安装的,它是由另一个使用它的软件安装的)
pgAdmin 4 is a powerful and popular web-based database management tool for PostgreSQL - http://www.pgadmin.org/
phpPgAdmin might work for you, if you're already familiar with phpMyAdmin.
Please note that development of phpPgAdmin has moved to github per this notice but the SourceForge link above is for historical / documentation purposes.
But really there are dozens of tools that can do this.
I would also highly recommend Adminer - http://www.adminer.org/
It is much faster than phpMyAdmin, does less funky iframe stuff, and supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Azure Data Studio with Postgres addin is the tool of choice to manage postgres databases for me. Check it out. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/azure-data-studio/quickstart-postgres?view=sql-server-ver15