C # 可排序的集合,它允许重复的键

我正在编写一个程序来设置一个序列,其中各种对象将出现在报告中。 序列是 Excel 电子表格中的 Y 位置(单元格)。

下面是代码的演示部分。 What I want to accomplish is to have a collection, which will allow me to add multiple objects and I can get a sorted collection based on the sequence

SortedList list = new SortedList();

Header h = new Header();
h.XPos = 1;
h.name = "Header_1";
list.Add(h.XPos, h);

h = new Header();
h.XPos = 1;
h.name = "Header_2";
list.Add(h.XPos, h);

我知道 SortedList不会允许这样,我一直在寻找替代品。我不想 排除的副本和已经尝试了 List<KeyValuePair<int, object>>


92741 次浏览

你有没有试过 Lookup<TKey, TElement>允许重复的键 Http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb460184.aspx

您可以安全地使用 List < > 。List 有一个 Sort 方法,该方法的重载接受 IComparer。您可以将自己的排序器类创建为。这里有一个例子:

private List<Curve> Curves;
this.Curves.Sort(new CurveSorter());

public class CurveSorter : IComparer<Curve>
public int Compare(Curve c1, Curve c2)
return c2.CreationTime.CompareTo(c1.CreationTime);


所以如果你有真实的坐标,你可能应该把 Point作为你的 SortedList 的键。

或者创建一个 List<List<Header>>,其中第一个列表索引定义 x 位置,内部列表索引定义 y 位置(如果愿意,反之亦然)。

非常感谢你的帮助。在搜索更多的时候,我找到了这个解决方案。( stackoverflow.com 中有其他问题)

首先,我创建了一个类来封装类的对象(Header、 Footer 等)

public class MyPosition
public int Position { get; set; }
public object MyObjects{ get; set; }

所以这个类应该保存对象,每个对象的 PosX 作为 int Position

List<MyPosition> Sequence= new List<MyPosition>();
Sequence.Add(new MyPosition() { Position = 1, Headerobject });
Sequence.Add(new MyPosition() { Position = 2, Headerobject1 });
Sequence.Add(new MyPosition() { Position = 1, Footer });

League.Sort((PosA, PosB) => PosA.Position.CompareTo(PosB.Position));



Public Class SortingAlgorithm
public int ID {get; set;}
public string name {get; set;}
public string address1 {get; set;}
public string city {get; set;}
public string state {get; set;}
public int age {get; set;}

//declare a sorting algorithm list
List<SortingAlgorithm> sortAlg = new List<SortingAlgorithm>();

//Add multiple values to the list
sortAlg.Add( new SortingAlgorithm() {ID = ID, name = name, address1 = address1, city = city, state = state, age = age});
sortAlg.Add( new SortingAlgorithm() {ID = ID, name = name, address1 = address1, city = city, state = state, age = age});
sortAlg.Add( new SortingAlgorithm() {ID = ID, name = name, address1 = address1, city = city, state = state, age = age});

//query and order by the list
var sortedlist = (from s in sortAlg
select new { s.ID, s.name, s.address1, s.city, s.state, s.age })
.OrderBy(r => r.ID)
.ThenBy(r=> r.name)
.ThenBy(r=> r.city)

Linq.Lookup 很酷,但是如果你的目标是简单地循环遍历这些“键”,同时允许它们被复制,你可以使用这个结构:

List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> FieldPatterns = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>() {
new KeyValuePair<String,String>("Address","CommonString"),
new KeyValuePair<String,String>("Username","UsernamePattern"),
new KeyValuePair<String,String>("Username","CommonString"),


foreach (KeyValuePair<String,String> item in FieldPatterns)
//use item.Key and item.Value


The key (pun intended) to this is to create an IComparable-based class that maintains equality and hashing, but never compares to 0 if not equal. This can be done, and can be created with a couple bonuses - stable sorting (that is, values added to the sorted list first will maintain their position), and ToString() can simply return the actual key string value.

这里有一个 struct 键,应该可以解决这个问题:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace System
/// <summary>
/// Defined in Totlsoft.Util.
/// A key that will always be unique but compares
/// primarily on the Key property, which is not required
/// to be unique.
/// </summary>
public struct StableKey : IComparable<StableKey>, IComparable
private static long s_Next;
private long m_Sequence;
private IComparable m_Key;

/// <summary>
/// Defined in Totlsoft.Util.
/// Constructs a StableKey with the given IComparable key.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key"></param>
public StableKey( IComparable key )
if( null == key )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "key" );

m_Sequence = Interlocked.Increment( ref s_Next );
m_Key = key;

/// <summary>
/// Overridden. True only if internal sequence and the
/// Key are equal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Equals( object obj )
if( !( obj is StableKey ) )
return false;

var dk = (StableKey)obj;

return m_Sequence.Equals( dk.m_Sequence ) &&
Key.Equals( dk.Key );

/// <summary>
/// Overridden. Gets the hash code of the internal
/// sequence and the Key.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override int GetHashCode()
return m_Sequence.GetHashCode() ^ Key.GetHashCode();

/// <summary>
/// Overridden. Returns Key.ToString().
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override string ToString()
return Key.ToString();

/// <summary>
/// The key that will be compared on.
/// </summary>
public IComparable Key
if( null == m_Key )
return 0;

return m_Key;

#region IComparable<StableKey> Members

/// <summary>
/// Compares this Key property to another. If they
/// are the same, compares the incremented value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="other"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int CompareTo( StableKey other )
var cmp = Key.CompareTo( other.Key );
if( cmp == 0 )
cmp = m_Sequence.CompareTo( other.m_Sequence );

return cmp;


#region IComparable Members

int IComparable.CompareTo( object obj )
return CompareTo( (StableKey)obj );


您可以使用 SortedList,使用您的值作为 TKey,使用 int (count)作为 TValue。

下面是一个例子: 一个对单词的字母进行排序的函数。

    private string sortLetters(string word)
var input = new System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<char, int>();

foreach (var c in word.ToCharArray())
if (input.ContainsKey(c))
input.Add(c, 1);

var output = new StringBuilder();

foreach (var kvp in input)
output.Append(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

string s;

return output.ToString();


诀窍是用一个唯一的键来增加你的对象。参见下面的测试通过。我想 保持我的点按照它们的 X 值排序。只要在我的比较函数中使用一个裸点2D 就可以了 cause points with the same X value to be eliminated. So I wrap the Point2D in a tagging class called 索引。

public void ShouldBeAbleToUseCustomComparatorWithSortedSet()
// Create comparer that compares on X value but when X
// X values are uses the index
var comparer = new
System.Linq.Comparer<Indexed<Point2D>>(( p0, p1 ) =>
var r = p0.Value.X.CompareTo(p1.Value.X);
return r == 0 ? p0.Index.CompareTo(p1.Index) : r;

// Sort points according to X
var set = new SortedSet<Indexed<Point2D>>(comparer);

int i=0;

// Create a helper function to wrap each point in a unique index
Action<Point2D> index = p =>
var ip = Indexed.Create(i++, p);

index(new Point2D(9,10));
index(new Point2D(1,25));
index(new Point2D(11,-10));
index(new Point2D(2,99));
index(new Point2D(5,55));
index(new Point2D(5,23));
index(new Point2D(11,11));
index(new Point2D(21,12));
index(new Point2D(-1,76));
index(new Point2D(16,21));
var xs = set.Select(p=>p.Value.X).ToList();



A comparer that takes a lambda

public class Comparer<T> : IComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, int> _comparer;

public Comparer(Func<T, T, int> comparer)
if (comparer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");
_comparer = comparer;

public int Compare(T x, T y)
return _comparer(x, y);

A tagging struct

public struct Indexed<T>
public int Index { get; private set; }
public T Value { get; private set; }
public Indexed(int index, T value) : this()
Index = index;
Value = value;

public override string ToString()
return "(Indexed: " + Index + ", " + Value.ToString () + " )";

public class Indexed
public static Indexed<T> Create<T>(int indexed, T value)
return new Indexed<T>(indexed, value);

此集合类将维护重复项并为重复项插入排序顺序。诀窍是使用唯一值来标记项 当它们被插入以维持稳定的排序顺序时 ICollection 接口。

public class SuperSortedSet<TValue> : ICollection<TValue>
private readonly SortedSet<Indexed<TValue>> _Container;
private int _Index = 0;
private IComparer<TValue> _Comparer;

public SuperSortedSet(IComparer<TValue> comparer)
_Comparer = comparer;
var c2 = new System.Linq.Comparer<Indexed<TValue>>((p0, p1) =>
var r = _Comparer.Compare(p0.Value, p1.Value);
if (r == 0)
if (p0.Index == -1
|| p1.Index == -1)
return 0;

return p0.Index.CompareTo(p1.Index);

else return r;
_Container = new SortedSet<Indexed<TValue>>(c2);

public IEnumerator<TValue> GetEnumerator() { return _Container.Select(p => p.Value).GetEnumerator(); }

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); }

public void Add(TValue item) { _Container.Add(Indexed.Create(_Index++, item)); }

public void Clear() { _Container.Clear();}

public bool Contains(TValue item) { return _Container.Contains(Indexed.Create(-1,item)); }

public void CopyTo(TValue[] array, int arrayIndex)
foreach (var value in this)
if (arrayIndex >= array.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("Not enough space in array");
array[arrayIndex] = value;

public bool Remove(TValue item) { return _Container.Remove(Indexed.Create(-1, item)); }

public int Count {
get { return _Container.Count; }
public bool IsReadOnly {
get { return false; }


public void ShouldWorkWithSuperSortedSet()
// Sort points according to X
var set = new SuperSortedSet<Point2D>
(new System.Linq.Comparer<Point2D>((p0, p1) => p0.X.CompareTo(p1.X)));

set.Add(new Point2D(9,10));
set.Add(new Point2D(1,25));
set.Add(new Point2D(11,-10));
set.Add(new Point2D(2,99));
set.Add(new Point2D(5,55));
set.Add(new Point2D(5,23));
set.Add(new Point2D(11,11));
set.Add(new Point2D(21,12));
set.Add(new Point2D(-1,76));
set.Add(new Point2D(16,21));

var xs = set.Select(p=>p.X).ToList();

set.Remove(new Point2D(5,55));
xs = set.Select(p=>p.X).ToList();

set.Remove(new Point2D(5,23));
xs = set.Select(p=>p.X).ToList();

set.Contains(new Point2D(11, 11))

set.Contains(new Point2D(-1, 76))

// Note that the custom compartor function ignores the Y value
set.Contains(new Point2D(-1, 66))

set.Contains(new Point2D(27, 66))



public struct Indexed<T>
public int Index { get; private set; }
public T Value { get; private set; }
public Indexed(int index, T value) : this()
Index = index;
Value = value;

public override string ToString()
return "(Indexed: " + Index + ", " + Value.ToString () + " )";

public class Indexed
public static Indexed<T> Create<T>(int indexed, T value)
return new Indexed<T>(indexed, value);

Lambda 比较器助手

public class Comparer<T> : IComparer<T>
private readonly Func<T, T, int> _comparer;

public Comparer(Func<T, T, int> comparer)
if (comparer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");
_comparer = comparer;

public int Compare(T x, T y)
return _comparer(x, y);

用你自己的 IComparer!

正如在其他一些答案中已经说明的那样,您应该使用自己的比较器类。为此,我使用了一个通用的 IComparer 类,它可以处理任何实现 ICompaable 的东西:

/// <summary>
/// Comparer for comparing two keys, handling equality as beeing greater
/// Use this Comparer e.g. with SortedLists or SortedDictionaries, that don't allow duplicate keys
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey"></typeparam>
public class DuplicateKeyComparer<TKey>
IComparer<TKey> where TKey : IComparable
#region IComparer<TKey> Members

public int Compare(TKey x, TKey y)
int result = x.CompareTo(y);

if (result == 0)
return 1; // Handle equality as being greater. Note: this will break Remove(key) or
else          // IndexOfKey(key) since the comparer never returns 0 to signal key equality
return result;


在实例化一个新的 SortedList、 SortedDictionary 等时,您将使用它:

SortedList<int, MyValueClass> slist = new SortedList<int, MyValueClass>(new DuplicateKeyComparer<int>());

这里的 int 是可以复制的键。

I use the following:

public class TupleList<T1, T2> : List<Tuple<T1, T2>> where T1 : IComparable
public void Add(T1 item, T2 item2)
Add(new Tuple<T1, T2>(item, item2));

public new void Sort()
Comparison<Tuple<T1, T2>> c = (a, b) => a.Item1.CompareTo(b.Item1);



public void SortTest()
TupleList<int, string> list = new TupleList<int, string>();
list.Add(1, "cat");
list.Add(1, "car");
list.Add(2, "dog");
list.Add(2, "door");
list.Add(3, "elephant");
list.Add(1, "coconut");
list.Add(1, "cab");
foreach(Tuple<int, string> tuple in list)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}:{1}", tuple.Item1,tuple.Item2));
int expected_first = 1;
int expected_last = 3;
int first = list.First().Item1;  //requires using System.Linq
int last = list.Last().Item1;    //requires using System.Linq
Assert.AreEqual(expected_first, first);
Assert.AreEqual(expected_last, last);

The output:


问题是数据结构设计不符合要求: 需要为同一个 XPO 存储多个 Header。因此,SortedList<XPos, value>的值不应该是 Header,而应该是 List<Header>。这是一个简单而微小的改变,但它解决了所有的问题,并避免了像其他建议的解决方案一样产生新的问题(见下面的解释) :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace TrySortedList {
class Program {

class Header {
public int XPos;
public string Name;

static void Main(string[] args) {
SortedList<int, List<Header>> sortedHeaders = new SortedList<int,List<Header>>();
add(sortedHeaders, 1, "Header_1");
add(sortedHeaders, 1, "Header_2");
add(sortedHeaders, 2, "Header_3");
foreach (var headersKvp in sortedHeaders) {
foreach (Header header in headersKvp.Value) {
Console.WriteLine(header.XPos + ": " + header.Name);

private static void add(SortedList<int, List<Header>> sortedHeaders, int xPos, string name) {
List<Header> headers;
if (!sortedHeaders.TryGetValue(xPos, out headers)){
headers = new List<Header>();
sortedHeaders[xPos] = headers;
headers.Add(new Header { XPos = xPos, Name = name });

1: Header_1
1: Header_2
2: Header_3

请注意,添加一个“有趣的”键,如添加一个随机数或假装2个 XPO 具有相同的值是不同的导致许多其他问题。例如,移除某个特定的 Header 变得很困难,甚至不可能。

还要注意的是,如果必须排序的 List<Header>比每个 Header都少,那么排序性能要好得多。例如: 如果有100个 XPos,每个都有100个头,那么需要对10000个 Header排序,而不是对100个 List<Header>排序。

当然,这种解决方案也有一个缺点: 如果有许多 XPO 只有1个 Header,因为需要创建许多 List,这是一些开销。


I finally found time to write a proper collection called SortedBucketCollection, which behaves like a SortedList. It uses 2 keys for each item, the first is the same as a SortedList key and many items can have for that key the same value. The second key is used to differentiate items sharing the same values for key1. SortedBucketCollection uses less storage space than SortedList<int, List<Header>>, because it uses for each "bucket" a linked list and not a List<>.

使用 SortedBucketCollection的代码如下:


namespace SortedBucketCollectionDemo {

public record FinanceTransaction
(int No, DateTime Date, string Description, decimal Amount);

class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
//Constructing a SortedBucketCollection
var transactions =
new SortedBucketCollection<DateTime, int, FinanceTransaction>
(ft=>ft.Date, ft=>ft.No);
var date1 = DateTime.Now.Date;

//Adding an item to SortedBucketCollection
transactions.Add(new FinanceTransaction(3, date1, "1.1", 1m));
transactions.Add(new FinanceTransaction(1, date1, "1.2", 2m));
transactions.Add(new FinanceTransaction(0, date1, "1.3", 3m));
var date2 = date1.AddDays(-1);
transactions.Add(new FinanceTransaction(1, date2, "2.1", 4m));
transactions.Add(new FinanceTransaction(2, date2, "2.2", 5m));

//Looping over all items in a SortedBucketCollection
Console.WriteLine("foreach over all transactions");
foreach (var transaction in transactions) {

//Accessing one particular transaction
var transaction12 = transactions[date1, 1];

//Removing  a transaction

//Accessing all items of one day
Console.WriteLine("foreach over transactions of one day");
foreach (var transaction in transactions[date1]) {


FinanceTransaction { No = 1, Date = 07.11.2021 00:00:00, Description = 2.1, Amount = 4 }
FinanceTransaction { No = 2, Date = 07.11.2021 00:00:00, Description = 2.2, Amount = 5 }
FinanceTransaction { No = 0, Date = 08.11.2021 00:00:00, Description = 1.3, Amount = 3 }
FinanceTransaction { No = 1, Date = 08.11.2021 00:00:00, Description = 1.2, Amount = 2 }
FinanceTransaction { No = 3, Date = 08.11.2021 00:00:00, Description = 1.1, Amount = 1 }

Note that the item are not iterated in the sequence they were added, but sorted by their key1 and key2.

For a detailed description of SortedBucketCollection and the source code see my article on CodeProject SortedBucketCollection: 一个内存高效的 SortedList,接受具有相同键的多个项

最简单的解决方案(与上述所有方法相比) : 使用 SortedSet<T>,它接受一个 IComparer<SortableKey>类,然后以这种方式实现 Compare 方法:

public int Compare(SomeClass x, SomeClass y)
var compared = x.SomeSortableKeyTypeField.CompareTo(y.SomeSortableKeyTypeField);
if (compared != 0)
return compared;

// to allow duplicates
var hashCodeCompare = x.GetHashCode().CompareTo(y.GetHashCode());
if (hashCodeCompare != 0)
return hashCodeCompare;

if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return 0;

// for weird duplicate hashcode cases, throw as below or implement your last chance comparer
throw new ComparisonFailureException();


以下是我对此的看法。请注意,这里可能有龙,C # 对我来说仍然是相当新的。

  • 允许重复键,值存储在列表中
  • I used it as a sorted queue, hence the names and methods


SortedQueue<MyClass> queue = new SortedQueue<MyClass>();
// new list on key "0" is created and item added
queue.Enqueue(0, first);
// new list on key "1" is created and item added
queue.Enqueue(1, second);
// items is added into list on key "0"
queue.Enqueue(0, third);
// takes the first item from list with smallest key
MyClass myClass = queue.Dequeue();
class SortedQueue<T> {
public int Count;
public SortedList<int, List<T>> Queue;

public SortedQueue() {
Count = 0;
Queue = new SortedList<int, List<T>>();

public void Enqueue(int key, T value) {
List<T> values;
if (!Queue.TryGetValue(key, out values)){
values = new List<T>();
Queue.Add(key, values);
Count += 1;

public T Dequeue() {
if (Queue.Count > 0) {
List<T> smallest = Queue.Values[0];
if (smallest.Count > 0) {
T item = smallest[0];
return item;
} else {
Count -= 1;
return Dequeue();
return default(T);

这就是我解决问题的方法。它是线程安全的,但是如果不需要的话,可以简单地删除 lock。还要注意,索引处的任意 Insert不受支持,因为这可能违反排序条件。

public class ConcurrentOrderedList<Titem, Tsort> : ICollection<Titem>
private object _lock = new object();
private SortedDictionary<Tsort, List<Titem>> _internalLists;
Func<Titem, Tsort> _getSortValue;

public ConcurrentOrderedList(Func<Titem,Tsort> getSortValue)
_getSortValue = getSortValue;
_internalLists = new SortedDictionary<Tsort, List<Titem>>();

public int Count { get; private set; }

public bool IsReadOnly => false;

public void Add(Titem item)
lock (_lock)
List<Titem> values;
Tsort sortVal = _getSortValue(item);
if (!_internalLists.TryGetValue(sortVal, out values))
values = new List<Titem>();
_internalLists.Add(sortVal, values);

public bool Remove(Titem item)
lock (_lock)
List<Titem> values;
Tsort sortVal = _getSortValue(item);
if (!_internalLists.TryGetValue(sortVal, out values))
return false;

var removed = values.Remove(item);
if (removed)
return removed;

public void Clear()
lock (_lock)

public bool Contains(Titem item)
lock (_lock)
List<Titem> values;
Tsort sortVal = _getSortValue(item);
if (!_internalLists.TryGetValue(sortVal, out values))
return false;
return values.Contains(item);

public void CopyTo(Titem[] array, int arrayIndex)
int i = arrayIndex;
lock (_lock)
foreach (var list in _internalLists.Values)
list.CopyTo(array, i);
i += list.Count;

public IEnumerator<Titem> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var list in _internalLists.Values)
foreach (var item in list)
yield return item;

public int IndexOf(Titem item)
int i = 0;
var sortVal = _getSortValue(item);
lock (_lock)
foreach (var list in _internalLists)
if (object.Equals(list.Key, sortVal))
int intIndex = list.Value.IndexOf(item);
if (intIndex == -1)
return -1;
return i + intIndex;
i += list.Value.Count;
return -1;

public void Insert(int index, Titem item)
throw new NotSupportedException();

// Note this method is indeterminate if there are multiple
// items in the same sort position!
public void RemoveAt(int index)
int i = 0;
lock (_lock)
foreach (var list in _internalLists.Values)
if (i + list.Count < index)
i += list.Count;
list.RemoveAt(index - i);

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.GetEnumerator();