
我有一个 React 组件,它生成一个按钮,按钮的内容包含一个像下面这样的 <span>元素:

function Click(props) {
return (
<button disable={props.disable}>
<span>Click me</span>

我想用 react-testing-librarymocha + chai来测试这个组件的逻辑。

我目前遇到的问题是 getByText("Click me")选择器返回 <span> DOM 节点,但是对于测试,我需要检查 <button>节点的 disable属性。处理这种测试用例的最佳实践是什么?我看到了一些解决方案,但是它们听起来都有点不靠谱:

  1. 对于 <button>元素使用 data-test-id
  2. 选择 <Click />组件的祖先之一,然后选择按钮 within(...) this scope
  3. fireEvent单击选定的元素并检查是否没有发生任何事情


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Assert if button is disabled

You can use the toHaveAttribute and closest to test it.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toHaveAttribute('disabled');

or toBeDisabled

expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).toBeDisabled();

Assert if button is enabled

To check if the button is enabled, use not as follows

expect(getByText(/Click me/i).closest('button')).not.toBeDisabled();

You can use toBeDisabled() from @testing-library/jest-dom, it is a custom jest matcher to test the state of the DOM:




You can test the disable prop of the button just by using @testing-library/react as follows.


   import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

const {getByText} = render(<Click/>)

expect(getByText('Click me').closest('button').disabled).toBeTruthy()

Another way to fix this would be to grab by the role and check the innerHTML like,

const { getByRole } = render(<Click />)
const button = getByRole('button')

// will make sure the 'Click me' text is in there somewhere
expect(button.innerHTML).toMatch(/Click me/))

This isn't the best solution for your specific case, but it's one to keep in your back pocket if you have to deal with a button component that's not an actual button, e.g.,

<div role="button"><span>Click Me</span></div>

For someone who is looking for the test in which the button is not disabled.

import { render } from '@testing-library/react';

const { getByText } = render(Click);
expect(getByText(/Click me/i).getAttribute("disabled")).toBe(null)

toHaveAttribute is good option in using attribute.

<button data-testid="ok-button" type="submit" disabled>ok</button>

const button = getByTestId('ok-button')
//const button = getByRole('button');

expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', 'submit')
expect(button).not.toHaveAttribute('type', 'button')

expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', expect.stringContaining('sub'))
expect(button).toHaveAttribute('type', expect.not.stringContaining('but'))

Hope this will be helpful.

I would politely argue you are testing an implementation detail, which react-testing-library discourages.

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.

If a button is disabled, a user doesn't see a disabled prop, instead they see nothing happen. If a button is enabled, a user doesn't see the omission of a disabled prop, instead they see something happen.

I believe you should be testing for this instead:

const Button = (props) => (
Click me

describe('Button', () => {
it('will call onClick when enabled', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
render(<Button onClick={onClick} disabled={false} />);
userEvent.click(getByRole('button', /click me/i));

it('will not call onClick when disabled', () => {
const onClick = jest.fn();
render(<Button onClick={onClick} disabled={true} />);
userEvent.click(getByRole('button', /click me/i));

My solution, It seems to me that this case covers well what is necessary. Check that the button is disabled, so toHaveBeenCalledTimes must receive 0

 test('Will not call onClick when disabled', () => {
const mockHandler = jest.fn()

render(<Button title="Disabled account" disabled={true} onClick={mockHandler} />)
const button = screen.getByText("Disabled account")

expect(button).toHaveProperty('disabled', true)