如何修复 HttpException: 连接在接收完整头之前关闭

我最近在我的应用程序中升级了我的 flutter 版本。但是当我想调试应用程序时,它会显示以下错误。

连接到服务协议时出错: HttpException: 在接收到完整报头之前连接关闭,URI =

是否有人面临同样的问题后升级颤振版本? 如果有任何解决办法,请分享。

84936 次浏览

Right now this issue is opened on github https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/32587

Temporarily you can solve this issue by switching to physical device instead of emulator How to test android apps in a real device with Android Studio?

Decision found on github (link upward)

I've got a temporary work around, which I can use for now. The exception above is thrown when I run the emulator as a Pixel 3 Android 9.+ Target (Q API). I made up a second emulated device, a Pixel 2 Android 9.0 Target (28 API), and this target works fine.

I'm also noticing that the Pixel 2 target takes up 8.5GB on Disk, while the Pixel 3 target only takes up 1.4GB. It makes me wonder if the Pixel 3 target is missing some important things.

The issue is mainly with Android Q.

You can downgrade your android version from Android Q to Android Pie.

which eventually leads to resolve the issue.

First turning off your WiFi/Bluetooth.

And run below command:

flutter clean

And then quitting or restarting your emulator.

No solution unless the Flutter guys fix it.

I'm having it on one machine (Mac OS Mojave) even when connecting physical iOS devices. Of course it happens too with emulated Android devices (no matter which one).

I've also having this problem in a different computer (MacOS Mojave too) with a physical Android device (with a very old Android version: 5.1).

flutter clean does not fix it at all in my case(s).

If you faced this issue on IOS build, follow th below steps

Goto Runner -> editSchema -> Run -> change build configurations to Debug.

if you are in Release mode you will face this issue, while running on android studio.

I've faced the same problem. Actually the problem was in the native code.

You can track the problem for android if you open an your_app/android project from Android Studio and run it, the same for iOS -> open ios project in XCode So after I've fixed it the app run as intended

I hope this'd help

I found the solution/work around. For me, it worked on physical device but not on emulator. The simple fix is to use your an emulator of x86 environment rather than x86_64 emulator.

I fixed the issue by setting request.persistentConnection = false; (default is true)

Writing this in case someone has the same problem...

Like Vitaly says ..

I am also struggling to force this error at all when building through Xcode for iOS and I imagine the same goes for Android with Android studio..

For iOS do flutter build ios --release and then open/run the project in Xcode

For Android do flutter build apk --release and then open/run the project in Android Studio

It seems to be an issue when debugging through flutter ... I will update this answer if I find otherwise but it seems stable with this method

I got the same error when I using Flutter with http package.

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
http.Response response =  http.get('url')

This was fine. But when I went to get the response.statusCode, it Error connecting error.

I found that I'm using SSR/v2Ray on my pc. I fix it by setting the proxy on Android Emulator extended controls panel.

In my case (error "HttpException: Connection closed before full header was received") the call was to an https address using Microsoft Internet Information Services as backend, in the SSL settings of the website in IIS i had mistakenly set "Client certificates: Accept" instead of "Client certificates: Ignore", setting "Ignore" solved the problem.

I was getting the same issue in POST request while sending the Images as multipart Resolved by using

contentType: MediaType('image', 'jpeg') in the http.MultipartFile



filename: basename(_image1.path),
contentType: MediaType('image', 'jpeg'),

where 'image' is the paramter name.

Don't forget to import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; for MediaType. Other Mediatype which you can use are


And I am sending this too in Header "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"

This was my Problem And this worked For me:

App would crash abruptly out of no where

I was using cached_network_image, When users uploaded heavy photos > 2MB, cache ran out of memory then app crashes. No warning.

Use FadeInImage.memoryNetwork() or something else like NetworkImage() but not cache_network_image, it only works for less than 2 MB photos
thanks :)

Stopping the running application and clicking on run again worked for me.

Maybe something goes wrong with your internet service provider, I try to enable VPN, it works

You also need to mention your listening port which you define in your file like this final WebSocketChannel channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('wss://check.com:6043/');

It has solved my issue

I'm using Dio and faced the same issue so I have made this workaround by creating this interceptor which can be implemented too using the http interceptors.

You can check it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/71415759/16314136

The issue was on the flutter code.the library socket_io_client it seems not to accept builder

// for Flutter or Dart VM

// .setExtraHeaders({"Authorization":"Bearer
${datasource.user?.payload?.access_token}"}) // optional

worked when i did use the below map method

socket = IO.io("", <String, dynamic>{
"transports": ["websocket"],
"Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1N......"

If you have your own http server running, make sure the Keep-Alive timeout config is set to >= 15 seconds. If you don't have access to the http server, try lowering the HttpClient's idleTimeout to 5 seconds.

  HttpClient()..idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 5);

In my case, this solved the issue permanently.