interface I {
void do();
class A implements I { void do() { doA() } ... }
class B implements I { void do() { doB() } ... }
class C implements I { void do() { doC() } ... }
Map<Class,Runnable> doByClass = new HashMap<>();
doByClass.put(Foo.class, () -> doAClosure(this));
doByClass.put(Bar.class, this::doBMethod);
doByClass.put(Baz.class, new MyCRunnable());
// of course, refactor this to only initialize once
public interface ClassTypeInterface {
public String getType();
public class A extends Something implements ClassTypeInterface {
public final static String TYPE = "A";
public String getType() {
return TYPE;
switch (var.getType()) {
case A.TYPE: {
case B.TYPE: {
if (a instanceof x){
//do something
if (a instanceof y){
//do something
if (a instanceof z){
// do something
public Case mySwitch(Object reference) {
return new Case(reference);
public class Case {
private Object reference;
public Case(Object reference) {
this.reference = reference;
public Case myCase(Object b, OnMatchDo task) {
if (reference.equals(b)) {
return this;
public interface OnMatchDo {
public void task(Object o);
BaseType baseType = (BaseType)object;
T result = caseBaseType(eAttribute);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType1(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType2(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType3(baseType);
if (result == null) result = caseSuperType4(baseType);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(object);
return result;
public T doSwitch(Object object) {
return doSwitch(object.class(), eObject);
protected T doSwitch(Class clazz, Object object) {
return doSwitch(getClassifierID(clazz), object);
protected T doSwitch(int classifierID, Object theObject) {
switch (classifierID) {
case MyClasses.BASETYPE:
BaseType baseType = (BaseType)object;
return result;
case MyClasses.TYPE1:
interface Processable {
<R> R process(final Processor<R> processor);
interface Processor<R> {
R process(final A a);
R process(final B b);
R process(final C c);
// for each type of Processable
class A implements Processable {
// other class logic here
<R> R process(final Processor<R> processor){
return processor.process(this);
class B implements Processable {
// other class logic here
<R> R process(final Processor<R> processor){
return processor.process(this);
class C implements Processable {
// other class logic here
<R> R process(final Processor<R> processor){
return processor.process(this);
public class LogProcessor implements Processor<String> {
private static final Logger log = Logger.for(LogProcessor.class);
public void logIt(final Processable base) {"Logging for type {}", process(base));
// Processor methods, these are basically the effective "case" statements
String process(final A a) {
return "Stringifying A";
String process(final B b) {
return "Stringifying B";
String process(final C c) {
return "Stringifying C";
String formatted;
switch (obj) {
case Integer i: formatted = String.format("int %d", i); break;
case Byte b: formatted = String.format("byte %d", b); break;
case Long l: formatted = String.format("long %d", l); break;
case Double d: formatted = String.format("double %f", d); break;
case String s: formatted = String.format("String %s", s); break
default: formatted = obj.toString();
String formatted =
switch (obj) {
case Integer i -> String.format("int %d", i)
case Byte b -> String.format("byte %d", b);
case Long l -> String.format("long %d", l);
case Double d -> String.format("double %f", d);
case String s -> String.format("String %s", s);
default -> obj.toString();
when (this) { //switch-like statement in kotlin supporting class-pattern-matching and smart casts via `is` operator.
is A -> doA()
is B -> doB()
is C -> doC()
public void doAction(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case A a -> doA(a);
case B b -> doB(b);
case C c -> doC(c);
default -> log.warn("Unrecognized type of {}", o);
public void doAction(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case String s && !s.isBlank() -> handle(s);
void makeSomeNoise (Animal animal) {
switch (animal) {
case Dog dog → dog.bark();
case Cat catcat.meow();
default throw new RuntimeException ("WTH is it???");