将多个 JavaScript 文件组合成一个 JS 文件

我在我的 web 应用程序中使用 jquery,我需要将更多的 jquery 脚本文件加载到一个页面中。

Google 建议我将所有 jquery 脚本文件合并到一个文件中。


194338 次浏览

You can use the Closure-compiler as orangutancloud suggests. It's worth pointing out that you don't actually need to compile/minify the JavaScript, it ought to be possible to simply concatenate the JavaScript text files into a single text file. Just join them in the order they're normally included in the page.

You can do this via

  • a. Manually: copy of all the Javascript files into one, run a compressor on it (optional but recommended) and upload to the server and link to that file.
  • b. Use PHP: Just create an array of all JS files and include them all and output into a <script> tag

Just combine the text files and then use something like the YUI Compressor.

Files can be easily combined using the command cat *.js > main.js and main.js can then be run through the YUI compressor using java -jar yuicompressor-x.y.z.jar -o main.min.js main.js.

Update Aug 2014

I've now migrated to using Gulp for javascript concatenation and compression as with various plugins and some minimal configuration you can do things like set up dependencies, compile coffeescript etc as well as compressing your JS.

This may be a bit of effort but you could download my open-source wiki project from codeplex:


It contains a CompressJavascript project (and CompressCSS) that uses the http://yuicompressor.codeplex.com/ project.

The code should be self-explanatory but it makes combining and compressing the files a bit simnpler --- for me anyway :)

The ShuttleWiki project shows how to use it in the post-build event.

Script grouping is counterproductive, you should load them in parallel using something like http://yepnopejs.com/ or http://headjs.com

On linux you can use simple shell script https://github.com/dfsq/compressJS.sh to combine multiple javascript files into the single one. It makes use of the Closure Compiler online service so the resulting script is also effectively compressed.

$ ./compressJS.sh some-script.js another-sctipt.js onemore.js

If you're running PHP, I recommend Minify because it does combines and minifies on the fly for both CSS and JS. Once you've configured it, just work as normal and it takes care of everything.

Copy this script to notepad and save as .vbs file. Drag&Drop .js files on this script.

This will work only on windows.

set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
content = ""

'Iterate through all the arguments passed
for i = 0 to objArgs.count
on error resume next
'Try and treat the argument like a folder
Set folder = objFso.GetFolder(objArgs(i))
'If we get an error, we know it is a file
if err.number <> 0 then
'This is not a folder, treat as file
content = content & ReadFile(objArgs(i))
'No error? This is a folder, process accordingly
for each file in folder.Files
content = content & ReadFile(file.path)
end if
on error goto 0

'Get system Temp folder path
set tempFolderPath = objFso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
'Generate a random filename to use for a temporary file
strTempFileName = objFso.GetTempName
'Create temporary file in Temp folder
set objTempFile = tempFolderPath.CreateTextFile(strTempFileName)
'Write content from JavaScript files to temporary file

'Open temporary file in Notepad
set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run("Notepad.exe " & tempFolderPath & "\" & strTempFileName)

function ReadFile(strFilePath)
'If file path ends with ".js", we know it is JavaScript file
if Right(strFilePath, 3) = ".js" then
set objFile = objFso.OpenTextFile(strFilePath, 1, false)
'Read entire contents of a JavaScript file and returns it as a string
ReadFile = objFile.ReadAll & vbNewLine
'Return empty string
ReadFile = ""
end if
end function

I usually have it on a Makefile:

# All .js compiled into a single one.

@find ./path/of/js -type f -name "*.js" | xargs cat > $(compiled)

Then you run:

make compile

I hope it helps.

You can use a script that I made. You need JRuby to run this though. https://bitbucket.org/ardee_aram/jscombiner (JSCombiner).

What sets this apart is that it watches file changes in the javascript, and combines it automatically to the script of your choice. So there is no need to manually "build" your javascript each time you test it. Hope it helps you out, I am currently using this.

I use this shell script on Linux https://github.com/eloone/mergejs.

Compared to the above scripts it has the advantages of being very simple to use, and a big plus is that you can list the js files you want to merge in an input text file and not in the command line, so your list is reusable and you don't have to type it every time you want to merge your files. It's very handy since you will repeat this step every time you want to push into production. You can also comment files you don't want to merge in the list. The command line you would most likely type is :

$ mergejs js_files_list.txt output.js

And if you want to also compress the resulting merged file :

$ mergejs -c js_files_list.txt output.js

This will create output-min.js minified by Google's closure compiler. Or :

$ mergejs -c js_files_list.txt output.js output.minified.js

If you want a specific name for your minified file named output.minified.js

I find it really helpful for a simple website.

You can use KjsCompiler: https://github.com/knyga/kjscompiler Cool dependency managment