What do setUseWideViewPort() and setLoadWithOverviewMode() precisely do?

I am disappointed at the lack of documentation of WebView and related stuff.

(unless you think the following is propert documetation)

public void setLoadWithOverviewMode (boolean overview)

Set whether the WebView loads a page with overview mode


public synchronized void setUseWideViewPort (boolean use)

Tell the WebView to use the wide viewport

So: What is "Overview mode" ? what is "Wide viewport" ?

ps: I tried to look for webkit related docs but could not find it.

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setLoadWithOverviewMode(true) loads the WebView completely zoomed out

SetUseWideViewPort (true) 使得 Webview 有一个正常的视口(比如一个正常的桌面浏览器) ,而当视口为 false 时,Webview 将有一个受限于其自身尺寸的视口(所以如果 Webview 是50px * 50px,视口将是相同的大小)

如果 setUseWideViewPort (true) ,它将加载带有在网页的 meta 标记中定义的属性的 WebView。所以它可以按照 html 中的定义扩展网页。

“网页布局”的 WebView 文档,

Web Page Layout