如何在片段中使用 setArguments()和 getArguments()方法?

我有两个片段: (1) Frag1(2) Frag2。


bundl = new Bundle();
bundl.putStringArrayList("elist", eList);

Frag2 dv = new Frag2();
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

我如何在 Frag2中获得这些数据?

173093 次浏览

You have a method called getArguments() that belongs to Fragment class.

Just call getArguments() in your Frag2's onCreateView() method:

public class Frag2 extends Fragment {

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup containerObject,
Bundle savedInstanceState){
//here is your arguments
Bundle bundle=getArguments();

//here is your list array
String[] myStrings=bundle.getStringArray("elist");


Best practice is read and save arguments in onCreate method. It's worse to do it in onCreateView because onCreateView will be called each time when fragment creates view (for example each time when fragment pops from backstack)

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle arguments = getArguments();

Eg: Add data:-

   Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("latitude", latitude);
bundle.putString("longitude", longitude);
bundle.putString("board_id", board_id);
MapFragment mapFragment = new MapFragment();

Eg: Get data :-

String latitude =  getArguments().getString("latitude")

for those like me who are looking to send objects other than primitives, since you can't create a parameterized constructor in your fragment, just add a setter accessor in your fragment, this always works for me.

in Frag1:

Bundle b = new Bundle();

b.putStringArray("arrayname that use to retrive in frag2",StringArrayObject);


in Frag2:

Bundle b = getArguments();

String[] stringArray = b.getStringArray("arrayname that passed in frag1");

It's that simple.

Instantiating the Fragment the correct way!

getArguments() setArguments() methods seem very useful when it comes to instantiating a Fragment using a static method.
ie Myfragment.createInstance(String msg)

How to do it?

Fragment code

public MyFragment extends Fragment {

private String displayMsg;
private TextView text;

public static MyFragment createInstance(String displayMsg)
MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment();
Bundle args = new Bundle();
fragment.setArguments(args);           //set
return fragment;

public void onCreate(Bundle bundle)
displayMsg = getArguments().getString("KEY"):    // get

public View onCreateView(LayoutInlater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle bundle){
View view = inflater.inflate(R.id.placeholder,parent,false);
text = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.myTextView);
text.setText(displayMsg)    // show msg
returm view;


Let's say you want to pass a String while creating an Instance. This is how you will do it.

MyFragment.createInstance("This String will be shown in textView");

Read More

1) Why Myfragment.getInstance(String msg) is preferred over new MyFragment(String msg)?
2) Sample code on Fragments

If you are using navigation components and navigation graph create a bundle like this

val bundle = bundleOf(KEY to VALUE) // or whatever you would like to create the bundle

then when navigating to the other fragment use this:


and when you land the destination fragment u can access that bundle using

Bundle b = getArguments()// in Java


val b = arguments// in kotlin