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目前,我从 ctrl-x 1开始,然后垂直/水平分割。但我真正的问题是,如何才能删除一个特定的窗口分裂,而不干扰其他窗口结构?内置有省略功能吗?

27159 次浏览

You can use the C-x0 key combination to delete the current window.

Rémi's answer is what you're looking for, but winner mode is also extremely useful for getting you back to previous window configurations after making any arbitrary changes (such as restoring those multiple-splits after typing C-x1).

You can enable it in your init file with:

(winner-mode 1) ;"C-c <left>" and "C-c <right>" undo and re-do window changes.

Also see: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CategoryWindows