在 JavaGit、 JGit 和 EGit 之间选择的困惑

我正在制作一个使用 Git 的 Java 应用程序 JavaGit 艾吉特JGit

我知道 JavaGit 和 EGit/JGit 是不同的。我不明白的是 EGit 和 JGit 之间的区别。两者都托管在 Eclipse 项目上,但一个似乎与 Eclipse 相关,另一个则与 Eclipse 无关。

我不使用 Eclipse,也不打算使用,所以我真的不太关心“ Eclipse 集成”。

JGit 是否与 Eclipse 有某种联系?(它托管在 www.eclipse.org 上,JGit 的 文件中也有很多“ eclipse”关键字)

在这三种方法中,我需要什么来连接我的 Java 程序(不是在 Eclipse 中编写的)以使用 Git 存储库?

我更喜欢独立的 Git 库(即,不依赖于本地 Git 安装)

编辑: 还有一个问题:

编辑: 我找到了答案——它找到了(还没有试过)。它位于 transport包中一个名为 BundleWriter的类中

46606 次浏览

You can use JGit as standalone library, but, as mentioned in the JGit Homepage:

JGit can be found within:
* EGit, Eclipse team provider for Git

In that sense, JGit is connected to Eclipse in that EGit uses JGit features to develop the Eclipse Git plugin.
Considering all Eclipse projects are now versioned in Git repos (instead of previously CVS repos), I would consider JGit for your Java project, as it seems that:

  • JavaGit isn't updated for quite some time (2008)
  • Eclipse is committed to offer a good support for Git through EGit, which should ensure by extension the development of JGit (used by EGit).

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen comments:

Even though you say that Egit uses JGit, it is not quite clear in the above that EGit is an Eclipse plugin for git giving git support in the same way that CVS is already supported in Eclipse

The migration of Eclipse projects from CVS to Git is in progress, and has been reported here (by Chris Aniszczyk).

I’ve monitored conversations concerning the migration of project code from CVS to Git in the dev-lists of several projects.
Most developers, it seems, understand the value proposition of migrating, despite their concerns that with migration comes a whole lot of new learnin’ as they figure out how to say productive in the new environment.

Inevitably, discussion about the team provider for Git being developed by the EGit project becomes an prominent part of the conversation. “Is EGit ready for primetime?” is often the question that bounced around

The official bug illustrated Eclipse commitment to provide "adequate tooling support" for all Eclipse projects now on Git repo is the bug 293192.

In order to deprecate old VCS in favour of git (bug 270854), adequate tooling should be available. This bug is created to track that.
[...] I opened/linked relevant EGit bugs in order to have a better visibility/tracking of what's missing.

So Egit is the only project referenced in that bug to provide said adequate tooling support for the new (D)VCS chosen for all Eclipse projects.

(bug 270854 is about Deprecate old VCS tools, which includes essentially CVS.)

Just in (March 17th, 2001): The State of Git at Eclipse – Early 2011 (Chris Aniszczyk):

I’m happy that things have come quite a long way since last year based on Eclipse Marketplace stats and the community contributions the projects have received.

EGit installation rate

So what’s next? In terms of tooling, we’re getting closer to our 1.0 release (which is planned for the Indigo release).
The git tooling at Eclipse is much better these days, if you need help or have questions, please start with the most excellent EGit User Guide.

If you’re an eclipse.org project, please consider starting the process to move your project repository to Git. There are a lot of eclipse.org projects already on Git.
It would be nice to see the all of the eclipse.org projects have plans to move to Git by the Indigo release.

Just to chime in, as I just stumbled on this this question just now.

There is a difference between the Eclipse Foundation and the Eclipse IDE. The Foundation is the umbrella organization, while the IDE is one of the projects developed through the foundation. So, the important thing to know is that just as Apache started with the web server and branched out to become a Foundation hosting a number of projects, so has the Eclipse Foundation now expanded beyond its "roots" in the IDE.

So in this context the JGit code provides a Java API for git commands, while EGit uses JGit to provide git support for the Eclipse IDE.

Personally, I also find this a little confusing at times, and sometimes it almost seems that having so much going on has in some ways degraded the focus of these organizations; however I can also see the utility in having one umbrella organization instead of 20 similar but different organizations.

As one of the authors of JGit and EGit, sorry for the confusion.

JGit is an EDL (new-style BSD) licensed, lightweight, pure Java library implementing the Git version control system. It can be used in a standalone fashion and is embedded in applications such as Gerrit, Eclipse, Netbeans and IntelliJ. EGit embeds JGit to use it to work with Git repositories and expose Git constructs from within Eclipse. At the moment, JGit doesn't support the git-bundle command but you're welcome to contribute support, it shouldn't be that hard, please see our contributor guide.

JGit is a library to manipulate git repository. You do not use JGit alone, unless you write a program to manipulate git repository in the way you like.

If you use Eclipse as the IDE, you install EGit as a version control plugin (defaulted in Indigo). EGit calls JGit so you also have JGit installed if you install EGit.

Note, for Netbeans, you install NBGit as a version control plugin. NBGit also calls JGit.

JavaGit: not actively maintained?

JGit is git implemented from scratch as a Java library whereas JavaGit is (was ?) a Java API wrapping the native git implementation (i.e. it's calling the native git command line).

EGit is the Git Eclipse Team Provider integrating JGit into the Eclipse IDE and is providing the UI to work with Git from inside Eclipse.

In the meantime a large part of the Eclipse community and also a large number of corporate developers is using EGit/JGit (that's the reason why the companies backing these projects put money into that). See the project pages ([1], [2]) and ohloh if you want to get some insight who is contributing.

JGit is the Java implementation of Git. It is a library, that also can be used in your own applications. It also provides some sort of CLI operations. EGit on the other side is the Eclipse team provider plugin for Git, which uses JGit as Git implementation. Simplified you could say EGit is the UI part, and JGit the background part. JGit doesn't depend on EGit, but EGit does depend on JGit.

From: https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/273443/