Jupyter 笔记本中没有显示阴谋图表

我花了几个小时想解决这个问题。我按照 阴谋网站上的步骤操作,但是图表仍然没有显示在笔记本上。


colorway = ['#f3cec9', '#e7a4b6', '#cd7eaf', '#a262a9', '#6f4d96', '#3d3b72', '#182844']

data = [
x = immigration.columns,
y = immigration.loc[state],
name=state) for state in immigration.index]

layout = go.Layout(
yaxis=dict(title='Immigration %'),
font=dict(family='Courier New, monospace', size=18, color='#7f7f7f')

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot

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You need to change init_notebook_mode call and remove connected=True, if you want to work in offline mode.

Such that:

# Import the necessaries libraries
import plotly.offline as pyo
import plotly.graph_objs as go
# Set notebook mode to work in offline
# Create traces
trace0 = go.Scatter(
x=[1, 2, 3, 4],
y=[10, 15, 13, 17]
trace1 = go.Scatter(
x=[1, 2, 3, 4],
y=[16, 5, 11, 9]
# Fill out data with our traces
data = [trace0, trace1]
# Plot it and save as basic-line.html
pyo.iplot(data, filename = 'basic-line')

Output should be shown in your jupyter notebook:

My example

In case you want to use Jupyter lab, you will have to install the plotly jupyterlab extension:


Simple solution: jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly

Restart Jupyter Lab after installing the extension.

To use a plotly version below 5.0 in Jupyter Lab make sure you have ipywidgets and plotly installed and then run the following:

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly

OPTIONAL: Jupyter widgets extension:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget

Source docs

And here's the troubleshooting guide for plotly with Jupyter Lab.

As of Plotly version 5.0, I am able to create a new conda environment with Python 3.9 and then pip install plotly jupyterlab, and run Jupyter Lab and render plots without any other package or extension installs.

Assuming you are using JupyterLab, accordingly to Plotly Troubleshooting

In order to use plotly in JupyterLab, you must have the extensions installed as detailed in the Getting Started guide. There are two extensions: jupyterlab-plotly for rendering figures with fig.show() and plotlywidget for the FigureWidget.

Assuming that you have installed all the libraries correctly (make sure you have ipywidgets and nodejs installed) and assuming one is using conda, access conda prompt for the environment one is working (the "Server" environment).

List the labs' extensions with

jupyter labextension list

In my case I got

JupyterLab v2.2.9
No installed extensions

Then I will need to install the extensions jupyterlab-plotly (the library nodejs will be required now)

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.14.3

and plotlywidget [optional]

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.14.1

Now you'll be able to visualize your plots.


If you use JupyterLab with multiple python environments, the extensions must be installed in the "server" environment, and the plotly python library must be installed in each "processing" environment that you intend to use.

Being new to Plotly, I had the same issue. I tried all of the above things but still got blank graph. Turns out, only installing the jupyterlab extensions is enough, but you need to shutdown and restart the jupyterlab itself. Just restarting the kernel didn't help.

Those having trouble (even after installing extension) may try changing renderer. It worked for me on JupyterLab on Chrome.

Note that this will create a iframe figure directory not pure html file.

If using jupyterlab install JupyterLab extension

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly

Add this line before py.iplot or fig.show()

import plotly.io as pio
pio.renderers.default = 'iframe'

If the other answers do not work for you then check if WebGL is enabled for your browser. You can check and enable WebGL in Chrome by following the below steps.

  1. In the address bar, type chrome://flags/ and press ENTER
  2. Enable all the options with WebGL keyword
  3. Click Relaunch Now. Google Chrome will restart and your new settings will be applied without closing other tabs

In case you are facing this issue on jupyter notebook instead of jupyter lab, you may try the following command

import plotly.io as pio

This worked for me without restarting

Changing default web browser to Chrome solved the issue in my case. I repeated this instructions, though I had Google Chrome as a default browser already. I cite them here with slight modification:

step1: Go to search menu of windows and type "default apps".

step 2: go to WEB BROWSER title and choose Google Chrome once again.

step3: Launch jupyter notebook, it will be opened in in Google Chrome