class YourNavHostFragment : NavHostFragment() {
override fun onCreateNavHostController(navHostController: NavHostController) {
* Done this on purpose.
if (false) {
val containerId = if (id != 0 && id != View.NO_ID) id else
navController.navigatorProvider += YourFragmentNavigator(requireContext(), parentFragmentManager, containerId)
navController.navigatorProvider += DialogFragmentNavigator(requireContext(), childFragmentManager)
class YourFragmentNavigator(private val context: Context, private val fragmentManager: FragmentManager, private val containerId: Int) : Navigator<YourFragmentNavigator.Destination>() {
private val savedIds = mutableSetOf<String>()
* {@inheritDoc}
* This method must call
* [FragmentTransaction.setPrimaryNavigationFragment]
* if the pop succeeded so that the newly visible Fragment can be retrieved with
* [FragmentManager.getPrimaryNavigationFragment].
* Note that the default implementation pops the Fragment
* asynchronously, so the newly visible Fragment from the back stack
* is not instantly available after this call completes.
override fun popBackStack(popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry, savedState: Boolean) {
if (fragmentManager.isStateSaved) {
Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring popBackStack() call: FragmentManager has already saved its state")
if (savedState) {
val beforePopList = state.backStack.value
val initialEntry = beforePopList.first()
// Get the set of entries that are going to be popped
val poppedList = beforePopList.subList(
// Now go through the list in reversed order (i.e., started from the most added)
// and save the back stack state of each.
for (entry in poppedList.reversed()) {
if (entry == initialEntry) {
Log.i(TAG, "FragmentManager cannot save the state of the initial destination $entry")
} else {
savedIds +=
} else {
fragmentManager.popBackStack(, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE)
state.pop(popUpTo, savedState)
override fun createDestination(): Destination {
return Destination(this)
* Instantiates the Fragment via the FragmentManager's
* [].
* Note that this method is **not** responsible for calling
* [Fragment.setArguments] on the returned Fragment instance.
* @param context Context providing the correct [ClassLoader]
* @param fragmentManager FragmentManager the Fragment will be added to
* @param className The Fragment to instantiate
* @param args The Fragment's arguments, if any
* @return A new fragment instance.
"""Set a custom {@link} via
{@link FragmentManager#setFragmentFactory(FragmentFactory)} to control
instantiation of Fragments."""
fun instantiateFragment(context: Context, fragmentManager: FragmentManager, className: String, args: Bundle?): Fragment {
return fragmentManager.fragmentFactory.instantiate(context.classLoader, className)
* {@inheritDoc}
* This method should always call
* [FragmentTransaction.setPrimaryNavigationFragment]
* so that the Fragment associated with the new destination can be retrieved with
* [FragmentManager.getPrimaryNavigationFragment].
* Note that the default implementation commits the new Fragment
* asynchronously, so the new Fragment is not instantly available
* after this call completes.
override fun navigate(entries: List<NavBackStackEntry>, navOptions: NavOptions?, navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?) {
if (fragmentManager.isStateSaved) {
Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring navigate() call: FragmentManager has already saved its state")
for (entry in entries) {
navigate(entry, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
private fun navigate(entry: NavBackStackEntry, navOptions: NavOptions?, navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?) {
val backStack = state.backStack.value
val initialNavigation = backStack.isEmpty()
val restoreState = (navOptions != null && !initialNavigation && navOptions.shouldRestoreState() && savedIds.remove(
if (restoreState) {
// Restore back stack does all the work to restore the entry
val destination = entry.destination as Destination
val args = entry.arguments
var className = destination.className
if (className[0] == '.') {
className = context.packageName + className
val frag = fragmentManager.fragmentFactory.instantiate(context.classLoader, className)
frag.arguments = args
val ft = fragmentManager.beginTransaction()
var enterAnim = navOptions?.enterAnim ?: -1
var exitAnim = navOptions?.exitAnim ?: -1
var popEnterAnim = navOptions?.popEnterAnim ?: -1
var popExitAnim = navOptions?.popExitAnim ?: -1
if (enterAnim != -1 || exitAnim != -1 || popEnterAnim != -1 || popExitAnim != -1) {
enterAnim = if (enterAnim != -1) enterAnim else 0
exitAnim = if (exitAnim != -1) exitAnim else 0
popEnterAnim = if (popEnterAnim != -1) popEnterAnim else 0
popExitAnim = if (popExitAnim != -1) popExitAnim else 0
ft.setCustomAnimations(enterAnim, exitAnim, popEnterAnim, popExitAnim)
if (fragmentManager.fragments.size <= 0) {
ft.replace(containerId, frag)
} else {
ft.hide(fragmentManager.fragments[fragmentManager.fragments.size - 1])
ft.add(containerId, frag)
@IdRes val destId =
// TODO Build first class singleTop behavior for fragments
val isSingleTopReplacement = (navOptions != null && !initialNavigation && navOptions.shouldLaunchSingleTop() && backStack.last() == destId)
val isAdded = when {
initialNavigation -> {
isSingleTopReplacement -> {
// Single Top means we only want one instance on the back stack
if (backStack.size > 1) {
// If the Fragment to be replaced is on the FragmentManager's
// back stack, a simple replace() isn't enough so we
// remove it from the back stack and put our replacement
// on the back stack in its place
fragmentManager.popBackStack(, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE)
else -> {
if (navigatorExtras is Extras) {
for ((key, value) in navigatorExtras.sharedElements) {
ft.addSharedElement(key, value)
// The commit succeeded, update our view of the world
if (isAdded) {
override fun onSaveState(): Bundle? {
if (savedIds.isEmpty()) {
return null
return bundleOf(KEY_SAVED_IDS to ArrayList(savedIds))
override fun onRestoreState(savedState: Bundle) {
val savedIds = savedState.getStringArrayList(KEY_SAVED_IDS)
if (savedIds != null) {
this.savedIds += savedIds
* NavDestination specific to [FragmentNavigator]
* Construct a new fragment destination. This destination is not valid until you set the
* Fragment via [setClassName].
* @param fragmentNavigator The [FragmentNavigator] which this destination will be associated
* with. Generally retrieved via a [NavController]'s [NavigatorProvider.getNavigator] method.
open class Destination
constructor(fragmentNavigator: Navigator<out Destination>) : NavDestination(fragmentNavigator) {
* Construct a new fragment destination. This destination is not valid until you set the
* Fragment via [setClassName].
* @param navigatorProvider The [NavController] which this destination
* will be associated with.
//public constructor(navigatorProvider: NavigatorProvider) : this(navigatorProvider.getNavigator(
public override fun onInflate(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet) {
super.onInflate(context, attrs)
context.resources.obtainAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.FragmentNavigator).use { array ->
val className = array.getString(R.styleable.FragmentNavigator_android_name)
if (className != null) setClassName(className)
* Set the Fragment class name associated with this destination
* @param className The class name of the Fragment to show when you navigate to this
* destination
* @return this [Destination]
fun setClassName(className: String): Destination {
_className = className
return this
private var _className: String? = null
* The Fragment's class name associated with this destination
* @throws IllegalStateException when no Fragment class was set.
val className: String
get() {
checkNotNull(_className) { "Fragment class was not set" }
return _className as String
override fun toString(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
sb.append(" class=")
if (_className == null) {
} else {
return sb.toString()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other == null || other !is Destination) return false
return super.equals(other) && _className == other._className
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = super.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + _className.hashCode()
return result
* Extras that can be passed to FragmentNavigator to enable Fragment specific behavior
class Extras internal constructor(sharedElements: Map<View, String>) :
Navigator.Extras {
private val _sharedElements = LinkedHashMap<View, String>()
* The map of shared elements associated with these Extras. The returned map
* is an [unmodifiable][Map] copy of the underlying map and should be treated as immutable.
val sharedElements: Map<View, String>
get() = _sharedElements.toMap()
* Builder for constructing new [Extras] instances. The resulting instances are
* immutable.
class Builder {
private val _sharedElements = LinkedHashMap<View, String>()
* Adds multiple shared elements for mapping Views in the current Fragment to
* transitionNames in the Fragment being navigated to.
* @param sharedElements Shared element pairs to add
* @return this [Builder]
fun addSharedElements(sharedElements: Map<View, String>): Builder {
for ((view, name) in sharedElements) {
addSharedElement(view, name)
return this
* Maps the given View in the current Fragment to the given transition name in the
* Fragment being navigated to.
* @param sharedElement A View in the current Fragment to match with a View in the
* Fragment being navigated to.
* @param name The transitionName of the View in the Fragment being navigated to that
* should be matched to the shared element.
* @return this [Builder]
* @see FragmentTransaction.addSharedElement
fun addSharedElement(sharedElement: View, name: String): Builder {
_sharedElements[sharedElement] = name
return this
* Constructs the final [Extras] instance.
* @return An immutable [Extras] instance.
fun build(): Extras {
return Extras(_sharedElements)
init {
private companion object {
private const val TAG = "YourFragmentNavigator"
private const val KEY_SAVED_IDS = "androidx-nav-fragment:navigator:savedIds"