...then put in the URL of the page you want to share, and click "debug". It will automatically extract all the info on your meta tags and also clear the cache.
Clearing the cache means that new shares of this webpage will show the new content which is provided in the OG tags. But only if the URL that you are working on has less than 50 interactions (likes + shares). It will also not affect old links to this webpage which have already been posted on Facebook. Only when sharing the URL on Facebook again will the way that Facebook shows the link be updated.
CatandMouse 的回答是正确的,但是你也可以通过向 graph.Facebook.com 发送一个帖子请求来清除 Facebook 的 OG (OpenGraph)缓存。您不需要访问令牌。
sub _clear_og_cache_on_facebook {
my $fburl = "http://graph.facebook.com";
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $clearurl = <the url you want Facebook to forget>;
my $post_body = {id => $clearurl, scrape => 'true'};
my $res = $ua->post($fburl => form => $post_body)->res;
my $code = $res->code;
unless ($code eq '200') {
Log->warn("Clearing cached OG data for $clearurl failed with code $code.");
Sending this post request through the terminal can be done with the following command: