为什么我的静态库会出现 iOS 链接器错误?


  1. 我用 Swift 和 Objective-C 类创建了一个框架。

  2. 主逻辑存储在 Swift 文件中。例如,具有调用 NSLog (“调用了 Swift log”)的方法的类。

  3. Objective-C 文件有一个类,它有一个方法,在这个方法中我创建一个 Swift 类的实例并调用 Swift-log 方法。

  4. 我把这个框架和我的 Objective-C 项目联系起来,我可以调用这个项目中所有我需要的东西,但是当我想构建这个项目时,我会收到错误 linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftFoundation'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftDarwin'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftCoreFoundation'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftCore'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftCoreGraphics'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftObjectiveC'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftDispatch'
ld: warning: Could not find auto-linked library 'swiftSwiftOnoneSupport'

我也看到了导入空 Swift 文件的解决方案,但是它需要做一个没有任何垃圾的项目。

101848 次浏览

Try this workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/50495316/1658268

Basically just add a dummy swift file in your project, and re-run your build.

Apparently for pure objective-c projects you will need to add this $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME) to the library search paths of your target. This worked for me when I was including a library written in swift to a project in objective-c

I've got the same errors when accidentally compiling a project with a Swift 5.0 Snapshot configured in the Xcode preferences » Components » Toolchain.

  1. Open ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Right-click on Your App Name in the Project Navigator on the left, and click New File…
  3. Create a single empty Swift file to the project (make sure that Your App Name target is selected when adding)
  4. when Xcode asks, press Create Bridging Header and do not remove Swift file then. re-run your build.

This should fix the problem

In my case it was a React-Native project after adding a Swift Pods library. Maybe just the step 2 can work:

  1. Adding a new Swift file and a Brigde header:

1) File -> New -> File <code>File -> New -> File</code>

2) Select Swift File Select <code>Swift File</code>

3) Confirm Create Bridging Header enter image description here

  1. Go to Build Settings and set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries to YES Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries

For XCode 11 beta 4 Library Search Paths should be:


In case you encounter this error while using Xcode 11 beta 4 in combination with carthage see this workaround:


Basically it consists of creating a xcconfig with the fixes and inject these into each build.

If your Xcode version is >=12.2

Go to

BuildSettings -> Linking -> runpath search path

and add /usr/lib/swift as your 1st argument like this:

enter image description here

XCode 11.3 beta, Swift 5.0

I just add my targets to the podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

def shared_pods
# Pods for NamaIOS
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'RxSwift'

target 'MyApp' do



target 'MyApp-Test' do



target 'MyApp-Development' do



if you come from lottie-react-native install instructions just add use_frameworks! to podFile #536 (comment)

I only forget to Add the new Framework to my pod file :)

 target 'Data' do
inherit! :search_paths
pod 'AlamofireObjectMapper', '~> 5.2'


What solved it for me when trying to integrate Lottie in my React Native project was to uninstall the lottie-ios and lottie-react-native modules with npm.

npm uninstall lottie-react-native lottie-ios

Make sure the files are unlinked as well

npx react-native unlink lottie-react-native lottie-ios

I also had the bridging-file in my project from previously trying that method without success so in order to replicate my process, follow the suggested answer and add that file to your project as well.

After these steps, I went ahead and deleted my Pods folder, cleaned my build from xcproject and xcworkspace (maybe one of these is enough). After that I went ahead and installed the modules again

npm i --save lottie-react-native lottie-ios@3.1.3

(Make sure to check the current docks over at the lottie repo for the up-to-date versions.)

After you have reinstalled the modules, cd into your ios folder and run pod install.

Open up your xcworkspace in Xcode and run your project (make sure your build is clean).

This solved my issue.

Best of luck.

  1. Right click project name and add a new swift file leave it as File.swift
  2. it will ask you to create a new bridging header accept
  3. Run the project again

If you have issue after update xCode to version 12 and errors

Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftWebKit'

and two more.

Just addd $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift to the Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.

Hope its help :)

for Xcode 12.2

Create an Empty Swift file using Xcode, such as named Void.swift, and every issue will be solved by Xcode automatically.

I have export my unity project. Earlier it was working just to add empty swift file with press create Bridging Header.

but recently i have updated my xCode to 12.3 and it stop working.

So, tried few other ways.

I have added $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift to Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.

but still it doesn't work. So, i have added in same path i.e Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.



Now it working perfect. Didn't get exact problem or solution but it works well with this way.

I just add these three in Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.

  1. $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift
  2. $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME)
  3. $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/$(PLATFORM_NAME)

Separately TOOLCHAIN_DIR directories doesn't work. If i add $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift then only it work.

Xcode 12.5, React Native.

Change: 'Library Search Paths' from Swift-5.0 to Swift-5.2enter image description here

I ran into this issue with our project and the issue was that there were orphaned references to lottie in our xcode project file. Opening that in a text editor and removing them fixed the issue for me.

I am android programmer. It took me a while understand what they were doing. I have currently Xcode 13.2.1 And flutter 1 awful combination I know. Please edit in other side xcode will take the enter like "I end" I change Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.: From:

$(inherited) $(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter


$(inherited) $(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME) $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/$(PLATFORM_NAME)

Thats all, I hope to help some folk.

What worked for me in a React Native project is to move $(inherited) to the bottom of the list in Build Settings -> Library Search Paths

enter image description here

I am getting this error after installing Lottie-react-native?

The solution only works if it is caused by adding Lottie package.

This worked for me:

yarn add lottie-react-native
yarn add lottie-ios@3.2.3

And then must run:

pod install or pod update

I am using:

"lottie-ios": "3.2.3",
"lottie-react-native": "^5.0.1",
"react": "17.0.2",
"react-native": "0.67.3"